Competitive Vernopolis


Jan 23, 2014
Vernopolis (version 1.0) - Capture the Flag...On Skyscrapers

This particular map finally gives capture the flag an aspect of verticality. Set on ravine, this map features two symmetrical skyscrapers that are each 5 stories high (6 if you count the roof).

Each team spawns on the ground floor of their skyscraper and can either head to any floor above to pick up a weapon they desire, or they can go to the roof which features two turrets, a sniper, and a banshee. Did I mention that each skyscraper has a fully functional ELEVATOR on the ground floor!? this...

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Jan 20, 2013
Hey Vern, thanks for stopping by and posting a map. It's nice to know that people still place effort in their posts. You did display a lot of interesting qualities about Vernopolis, and there are probably players who would enjoy it. However, I would really stress that in it's current state, I see the map as more of a Casual map than a Competitive one. The line between the two can be blurry sometimes, but based on my experiences there are certain tell-tale signs of it based off of design.

The first is that the map contains a significant amount of verticality. In both types of maps, vertical structures are important to segment gameplay and promote area variation. When used too often, the Competitive aspect decreases because it adds large amounts of play space while severely segmenting the map. Another aspect would be the complexity of the pieces that are used throughout. Again, in moderation it is fine to use them on Competitive maps. In your case there is so much geometry variation and what we call "lazy" cover that hinders its competitive potential. The weapon/vehicle choices are understandable for this type of map, but would lean towards a very powerful setup that again becomes a problem in the competitive scene.

So in summary (or TL;DR), I would say this is more of a Casual map than a Competitive one, and you may want to consider either adjusting the map to become more competitive or instead focus on the more casual aspects.


Jan 23, 2014
Hello Z3R0FLAME, thank you so much for reviewing my map and giving me great usable feedback, it means a lot. You're absolutely right about the geometry variation hindering it's competitive potential, and to be honest I do not even recall selecting competitive unless it does so automatically when I checked the CTF box. This map would need to have at least 32 players to populate it and keep the gunfire going on every floor with minimal breaks before I would venture to call it a true competitive map.
This map was made for players who love CTF as much as I do, but still like to mix it up a little with some crazy aspects. So I would gladly switch this from being listed from competitive to casual ASAP, but for the life of me I can't seem to find out how. So if anyone could nudge me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful.

Edit: nevermind I figured it out, I must have been looking at competitive maps before i posted.