Vent Your Frustrations


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
"After much deliberation (about a minute or so), I decided to make a thread purely for the purpose of venting ones frustrations about any topic one may be... well, frustrated about. There was a thread like this on one of the old boards I used to post on many years ago, and it served its purpose quite well, so why not continue the trend?"
- Xun

I'll start, and believe me, it's a doozy.

Everything I thought I knew is a lie. Being backstabbed by a gypsy fucking hurts, and it's taken me a while to recover, I don't know if I will. I've been trying to believe that she's not just some floozy ass whore, but I can't deny it anymore. [REDACTED], I'm glad you have chlamydia, if anyone in the world deserves it, it's you, you fucking gypsy piece of shit. (Wow, that actually felt good to say -- even if I just typed it.)

Two days after that ordeal, another dumb cunt, possibly also hailing from Romania runs a yield and T-bones my car, and I get stuck with fault. I took it to the police, and they just told me "If what I told them had happened actually happened, it would be her fault, but she told her story first." so that's a huge jump in my insurance rates.

Now not only am I depressed and shit over my life going from top-notch to essentially rock-bottom in two days, fucking finals; normally not a big deal, but because I'd failed two courses first semester, I need to get an A- average and to be honest, I was neither prepared or mentally able to perform after all that shit. Cue post-finals mental breakdown. My GPA is 1.4, which is fucking borderline able to return next year, but that doesn't matter, because I'm taking a gap year anyway.

But wait! There's more!

My parents decide to move into the middle of nowhere (ask Vince or Sharp). Since April 4th, this has been my speedtest results.

And I can't get a job, because I don't have experience, because I don't have a job. I've applied and gotten interviews, and they always bring up the fact that "I lack the preferred level of experience."

So I meet another girl, she's really great and we have brilliant chemistry between us, it's as if we're invincible when we're together. We're extremely similar in a lot of ways, too. She's gone through basically the same thing as me in the last year, including all that shit up there ^^, save the car accident. The problem lies in the fact that she has the same internet as I do, and her phone is legitimately broken. It feels like she's slipping out of my reach because she lives so far away. The only communication between us is a one-post-per-10/14-day conversation over facebook. I just want to hang out with her, but even a simple task is completely out of this realm of possibility.

//Tl;Dr version
OldGirl = Gypsy;
CarInsurance ++;
GPA --;
ShittyInternet = True;
NetIncome = 0.00;
NewGirl = null;
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Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
The one thing that annoys the hell outta me is US restricted websites and services. Where the hell am I supposed to watch Arrested Development if I can't get Netflix? Why should I have to pay to watch Community when peeps in the US get it for free?! (This goes the same for any country, but most seem to be strictly America). It just... ARRGH!
I really hate people who hate me because I hate them because they misunderstood something I said because they wouldn't stop eating the delicious food i made for them because they were famished because I burned down their pantries because they wouldn't shut up because they really wanted to sing the Russian anthem a million times because Russians are fascinating because they invented nuclear fall out and used it because the aforementioned people wouldn't stop singing their anthem which they started singing because Russia was stupid enough to have a good anthem because they couldn't eat because i burned down there pantries because then they would be famished because all i really wanted them to do was enjoy my food because its good but they misunderstood me and now they hate me.


Dec 30, 2012
New Brunswick, Canada
Oh, wonderful. Either my shitty ISP throttled the fuck out of my Internet for absolutely no reason (1250ms ping is DEFINITELY worth the $60/month); or the moment there's a cloud in the sky, my Internet just goes to shit. Fortunately it's hard to justify the purchase of a single shotgun shell.
Feb 1, 2013
The one thing that annoys the hell outta me is US restricted websites and services. Where the hell am I supposed to watch Arrested Development if I can't get Netflix? Why should I have to pay to watch Community when peeps in the US get it for free?! (This goes the same for any country, but most seem to be strictly America). It just... ARRGH!

i watch community for free.
well actually u have to pay for foxtel
so looks like i do but i got the dvd for
season 1 and 2 which also cost money
so i see ur point


Jan 24, 2013
I'm gettin pissed off because several girls won't hook up with me because one girl that I've hooked up with a couple times likes me and told all her friends and their friends so. Kinda pissed me off when this one ginger (shut up, I have a thing for gingers) started to, and we went off to the side, and then was like "lol no anna wants to, I don't wanna do this again".

mfw she told me to tell her when I was about to finish, then I came in her mouth. lel drunkme

how do you do the spoiler thing

[.spoiler][./spoiler] Remove the .'s and type within the two bracket sets.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi

I'm pissed that I'm stuck in a southern town full of assholes who can't go 5 damn minutes without thinking of hunting deer or "ridin 4 wheelers" then when I try to talk about anything fucking else they call me a fag or weird. Then I come here where literally everyone but one person is cool, but that one person bitches at me for the fucking smallest things and then I'm belittled for trying to start a conversation after its been dead for half a fucking hour. And this piece of shit thinks he deserves special treatment and should be spoken to differently than everyone else.

Note: I've no issue what so ever with people hunting or operating ATVs I just don't care to have it constantly screamed in my ear and then treated negatively for not enjoying it.
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
I'm gettin pissed off because several girls won't hook up with me because one girl that I've hooked up with a couple times likes me and told all her friends and their friends so. Kinda pissed me off when this one ginger (shut up, I have a thing for gingers) started to, and we went off to the side, and then was like "lol no anna wants to, I don't wanna do this again".

mfw she told me to tell her when I was about to finish, then I came in her mouth. lel drunkme

[.spoiler][./spoiler] Remove the .'s and type within the two bracket sets.
thanks and sorry for your loss
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Reactions: PandaMan
Feb 1, 2013
I'm gettin pissed off because several girls won't hook up with me because one girl that I've hooked up with a couple times likes me and told all her friends and their friends so. Kinda pissed me off when this one ginger (shut up, I have a thing for gingers) started to, and we went off to the side, and then was like "lol no anna wants to, I don't wanna do this again".

mfw she told me to tell her when I was about to finish, then I came in her mouth. lel drunkme

[.spoiler][./spoiler] Remove the .'s and type within the two bracket sets.