Halo Underwhelmed?

Impressed or underwhelmed with Halo 4?

  • Impressed

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Underwhelmed

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


Feb 10, 2013
Is it just me, or is Halo 4 just nothing too special? Sure, it's fun and all, but beyond the truly vivid cinematics, nothing feels new - if anything, it feels scaled back.

Campaign is simply the same exact mission, over and over and over, with shiny cutscenes in between. Basically, go blow up that battery and kill everyone. Oh wait, now do that same thing three more times.

As for multiplayer, the maps have been subpar and like I said before, nothing feels new. Ordinance is cool I guess, but there's simply not enough fresh, interesting content there for me to consider this a fine multiplayer game, like Battlefield 3 and some other titles that are actually progressing online multiplayer FPS game types.

You may completely disagree, and that's fine, but let's hear your thoughts. Are you impressed, or underwhelmed?


yeah, I got tired of that button-pressing animation by the end of it. I did enjoy 343 straying slightly from the plain infantry/vehicle combat when they added non-enemy based challenges like trying to escape the inside of requiem on a ghost. While it was a nice change of pace, I wouldn't want to see more of it than is already in Halo 4. The reason I can't choose a single category is that I feel as though there are some parts of the game that 343 focused on more than others. The question remains: were they just the focus for the individual game, or does 343 value multiplayer and campaign clearly over customs and forge?

Skyward Shoe

Platinum in Destiny
Dec 24, 2012
Redmond, Washington
Campaign: Overall I thought the story was very good for a Halo game, with a few little holes, but hey, not unexpected. Some campaign levels (Infinity, Composer, Reclaimer, Forerunner) I thought were amazing, whereas some (Shutdown, Midnight) I thought were very repetitive and underwhelming. Overall I liked it, but not more than Halo 3 or Halo: Reach's campaigns.

Multiplayer has it's ups and downs for me. On the one hand I like the maps for the most, far superior to Reach, especially in BTB. Game modes however are severely lacking and have some issues, especially CTF with all it's changes that are impossible to alter like auto-pick up and Flagnum. The removal of all 1-sided game modes, such as 1 sided territories and 1-flag CTF, was very disappointing, though we have been able to partially counteract that so far thanks to some ingenuity. ;)

I'd say it's not so much that they didn't do enough that was fresh but that the game feels unpolished. Game modes are lacking, imbalanced, and glitchy in the case of Dominion and Extraction (can't move after capping an objective for like 4 seconds.) Some weapons and options like personal ordnance and Loadouts could have used some tweaking as well. I'm not underwhelmed so much as I'm frustrated at things that come so close to right then fall through. Hoping to see much more polished versions of these things for Halo 5.