Introduction This is my introduction

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Jan 10, 2013

My name is Pavlos and I am a 22 year old mostly-white male. I like to play halo and am mediocre at the game, I like to have fun though so please play with me at gt: pavloskill. It's a dumb gt.

I am currently somewhere in Scotland, however am in the middle of moving to Australia during this year, so plan on being all over the place at different times.

When I'm not playing games I go on the internet to look at snuff porn, learn about the life cycles of different species of butterflies and edit photos of strangers on facebook. Privacy settings are a bitch.

Please don't take that seriously.

I also try to study digital marketing, learn how to drive car and get fit for sexy ladies of 2013. Hopefully get employed at some point too.

My favourite colour is Green because it is the colour of nature.

Hope to see you online!
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