Gaming The Walking Dead - Video Game Series


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
So, this is kind of a review on 'The Walking Dead' video game series. If you haven't watched the TV show, the scenario in a nutshell is that of any other worldwide zombie apocalypse - total destruction, dead eating people, people doing just about anything to survive...

The video series was based on a set of comics (Wiki Link) and followed a local town police officer near the city of Atlanta and how he evades the zombie hordes and lives his life in the post-apocalyptic world.

While also based on the Comic books, the video game series actually follows a different character altogether - Lee Everett. Lee finds himself on his way to prison when the outbreak occurs and due to unfortunate (or potentially fortunate) circumstances, he is freed.


The game itself is a 'point and click adventure' game that is out on Xbox 360, PS3, iPad and Mac/PC. Using your cursor, you need to investigate items in your surroundings and find ways to fix problems or kill zombies and interact with other characters. Depending on your actions in-game, decides your fate and who you share it with. You can build bonds with characters, or create devious enemies and sometimes you're left to make difficult decisions that could save one person, but cost another persons life, including your own.


The interface is pretty simple on each platform, you only really have your movement to control with the left analog stick, and the majority of actions are handled on the four buttons (A,B,X,Y). Right-Trigger can also be used as the 'A' button on Xbox 360, for the times you need to aim. The aiming is handled with the right-analog stick in certain scenarios. As the game is suitable for the iPad the controller interface also needs to be suitable, a friend who bought this on the iPad (for £10, for all episodes) was the person that recommended me this and said the movement and interactions were easy after a few minutes of play.

The graphics are somewhat advanced over other cartoonesque games. The graphics themselves remind me a lot of the game 'XIII' yet they're a little more detailed and 'real' than other games with similar appearance. When being submersed in to the surroundings of the apocalypse, you sort of forget you're playing a game and when you drop in deep, the cartoony edges sort of bring you back to reality; that this is a game and you're not really about to get eaten!


The character interactions are generally interesting. Building up the connections in the game allows you to try and figure out who is trustworthy, and who you should consider protecting. Should any disagreements arise, you always have the option to escalate the problems and make matters worse for an individual should you want them to cross the line. Your character interactions are scripted at times and it can be a little sudden, when a player action pops up and you need to instantly protect yourself out of nowhere... however, with that said, in the world you've been thrown out in to, it's a world where you need to be always on your guard.

Pricing varies from platform to platform, on Xbox Live, you can download the full series for 2000 microsoft points. On PC, the game was available on Steam for £9, and on iPad, £10. The U.S. conversion will obviously come in to play, but you should look around to see how much you can get the game for.

In my honest opinion, the game is a definite must for any Walking Dead TV show fans out there as well as anyone who has previously enjoyed Zombie apocalypse games, or even just point-and-click adventure games.
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Hm... I've been debating whether or not to buy it. I loved the comics, enjoyed the show, but when I played the demo it was kinda... slow. Plus the idea of me missing out on any amount of content drives me insane. I feel the need to go back and make different decisions just to see what would have happened :laugh:


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
It's worth it. It really does immerse you in that atmosphere incredibly well. Telltale have really outdone themselves on this game.
I was actually considering doing a re-run as soon as I'd completed the game to see what I could do differently.
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Jan 16, 2013
I very much loved this series and cannot wait until the next "season" of the video game comes out, I believe TellTale/TaleTell (whatever they call themselves) revealed a small amount of details, not including the date of release though.


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
I didn't actually know they were making a second series of the games, but the short at the end of the credits does sort of hint there could be more...


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
The game blows the show and the comics out of the water. Maybe not until Episode 4 or so, but goddamn, does it make the comic and everything but the pilot of walking dead look mediocre.

Episode 5 has an extended scene in it that I still think about to this day (and it's not the ending).


Jan 24, 2013
The game blows the show and the comics out of the water. Maybe not until Episode 4 or so, but goddamn, does it make the comic and everything but the pilot of walking dead look mediocre.

Episode 5 has an extended scene in it that I still think about to this day (and it's not the ending).

I am definitely going to have to check this out on steam soon. Is the main character featured in either the comics or the show?


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
No, but there are a few characters that carry over from the comics (since it's in comics continuity from what I've heard).

Lee and Clem are incredible protagonists. Way way better than Rick methinks.


Jan 24, 2013
No, but there are a few characters that carry over from the comics (since it's in comics continuity from what I've heard).

Lee and Clem are incredible protagonists. Way way better than Rick methinks.
I am definitely going to buy this over the summer, I just don't have the time right now.


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
For the record, while Lee and Clem are awesome, I didn't think "holy shit this game is as good as my friend who forced me to play it said it was" until Episode 4.


The Grinchmind
Dec 31, 2012
United Kingdom
I've also found that while they boast, the plot changes when you make decisions differently... it's not the case. The storyline is mostly the same throughout despite your choices, the only differences are the dialog may be nicer from one character than it was last time, or a character may hate you because of your decisions towards the end. Ultimately, I think you end up in the same place each time.