Map Preview The Silver Map Pack - An Update on Events

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Hey ya’ll! I know you’re not happy to see me. After I had to delay the Silver Map Pack indefinitely I can imagine that some of you were disappointed. If this is not the case then I have an overly inflated opinion of myself. Well either way I hope your excited to know that I am nearly caught up with my studies which means I will be able to get back to putting the final touches on these maps.

There are a couple of things you should note though. I have recently had an epiphany and was frankly told that some maps just don’t play certain gametypes well or as desired. In light of this I am forgoing my original goal of 3 dominion maps. Instead you will only get 1. In the same epiphany I came to know that I really had 6 maps I wanted to release. So guess what? That’s what you will get. Let me give you a run down. Instead of simply forcing maps to play certain game types such as dominion, I’m going to focus on what the map Plays best and if I can then it will support certain game types. As a general rule of thumb though all maps will support King of the Hill, Oddball, Infinity Slayer, Regicide, Flood, Extraction and if it can, Capture the Flag.

Below is some info on each map that will be in the map pack. These maps are final. I will be working very hard to make sure they are ready for you sometime in April. I am staying away from dates as I am still heavy into my studies and don’t know how much time I will have to devote to map making. But I digress… Onto the info!

Map Number – Player Count – Given Name – Primary Game Type

Map one: 14-16 Players – Intact – Dominion
Two armies fight for the rare resources offered at this facility. Who will win?


Map Two: 8-12 Players – New Terra – Extraction
Unknown to the Citizens of New Terra, a battle takes place between two factions. Who will win?

Map Three: 4-10 Players – Choza City Plaza – Infinity Slayer
A new form of transportation is available for all. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work resulting in death. This made people angry.

Map Four: 4-10 Players – Build 5 – Unknown
Within the confines of this compound a creak used to run through it. Unfortunately it has now dried up.[/I]

Map Five: 2-10 Players – Erosionasa – Extraction
One of the first places to be affected by the nuclear winter brought by the covenant is now beginning to recover.

Map Six: 2-6 Players – SMP Erosion – Unknown
Inspired by the artistic styling’s of Firefall the game this map is perfect for 1v1 and up to 3v3. What did you really want a description?

But we are not done yet. After some bugs that were found in the Bronze Map pack I have decided that I really need to go back and fix it up. So we’ll be having another Release of The Bronze Map Pack. So in total You will be getting 9 fully fleshed out Maps. Sound’s exciting doesn’t it? You can expect the rerelease of the bronze map pack sometime soon.

So when is my next Lobby? What happened to all those videos you were going to make of your lobby? Don’t worry they are coming just not yet. Those Videos are massive and well take forever to load in my video editing software so it will take awhile before I have the time to complete the edits. As for my next lobby well it will come soon. I got a few ideas for it that will make it crazier and more enjoyable than the last lobby. I’ll save those for the next update but for now thanks for reading and have a good week.


Below are some changes that have been suggested.

Build 5
Fix the teleportors to allow poeple to be on them and still go through.​
Expand Blue Base or move it forward so it can have a back entrance. Blue base needs some love. Red base plays really well.​
Expand the rocky area.​
multi platform the area. Get some platforms connected to the center. Use the 2x2 3block high structures as a base for a bridge structure leading to the rocky area.​
Alot of what he said made sense but yes I believe the map played dominion well enough.To say it was a colossal failure is a bit over the top. To say it played out differently than traditional Dominion is more accurate. I will of course be taking some of his suggestions to make the map better. After all you get most of your good feedback from people like him. I have to admit his comments on all my maps while hurtful as they were, did bring out some issues that i would never known about otherwise thus complimenting the phrase, all feedback is good.

Thank you for your support and your kind words. They are much appreciated.


Glad you like them. Please let me know if you think of anything more to do on Build 5. I'll look at it later this week and attempt to fix a few things and tweak things here and there.
Jan 16, 2013
Alot of what he said made sense but yes I believe the map played dominion well enough.To say it was a colossal failure is a bit over the top. To say it played out differently than traditional Dominion is more accurate. I will of course be taking some of his suggestions to make the map better. After all you get most of your good feedback from people like him. I have to admit his comments on all my maps while hurtful as they were, did bring out some issues that i would never known about otherwise thus complimenting the phrase, all feedback is good..

Ps. "is the shit" is like saying "the mutts nuts" or "the cats pajamas" and was in no way a form of critisism but in fact a complement ;)

New Terra is one my favourite objective competitive maps with dominion in mind as it plays out like a mixture of territories and invasion slayer and I very much enjoyed playing on it with you a few weeks back.

I future I'll try to be more posh and use queens english, but right now I'm in a more relaxed "I'm gonna use slang" kinda mood :p
Jan 16, 2013
I think we are on two different pages. i was talking about my last lobby. Dont remember his name. i know what you meant. but ok.

From what you've said it makes out that you think I shrugged you map off by calling it shit lol, I just wanted to clear that up :p

Also at the moment I'm working on a competitive map for a change
Well HI!!!! Its me again. I am happy to present to you the Silver Map Pack. It’s been a long two months full of strife, annoyance, and well fun. I had a lot of issues when I started from both the forge and my life which delayed this project twice. Well I’m here and I am determined that it will be released. I had some issues with my video so I couldn’t post that here but not to worry I decided to move forward without it. That will come along soon but nonetheless here you are.

Over the last couple of weeks I have spent a long time perfecting each one so that you could enjoy each one to its fullest. I recently released the second version of Observation Post, a Map originally in the bronze map pack. A few issues came up after its release, such as frame rate, and exploits that I hadn’t seen before. Those have been fixed.

But back on task, The silver map pack. With this map pack you get 6 maps to play competitively across all game types, with the exception of grif ball. The maps are of varying sizes but if your lobby isn’t big enough to start just simply begin playing on one of the smaller maps and I can almost guarantee your lobby will start growing. From playing Extraction on Erosionasa to Dominion on Intact, or whether you enjoy Capture the Flag on Hillside Compound or just Infinity Slayer on New Terra, these maps will satisfy your craving for both competitive and casual game play.

The development process was long and difficult between classes, writing two books, and family related things, the project took 2 whole months almost 3 to complete, having been delayed twice. What started with 3 maps based around a single game type, evolved to 6 fantastic maps that carry their own weight and play many different game types, 6 maps of beauty and elegance that come from long sessions in the forge. I like to think of it like smelting silver. The temperature must be just right or it turns to dross, useless, a waste, and unrecoverable. So without further ado I present The Silver Map Pack, that’s been smelted just right, available today from my fileshare.

Our first map is intact. As some of you may know this map took the longest and was by far the hardest to forge. It was a good map to start but with about 120 hours worth of work, I think I might be down selling it a fair bit I’m sure I spent longer on it, but this map plays CTF really well and supports dominion. This is not a 5v5 map. This is an 8v8 map. You can play with smaller teams but it won’t work as well.

The second map is New Terra. This map was one of the easier ones only requiring a few days to get completed. A few tweaks here and there and bam! It was done. This map supports all game types but I highly recommend either Infinity Slayer, Extraction, or Dominion.

The third Map Choza City Plaza. Feel free to kick back and relax. The map initially had a central grav lift that shot you across the map but it was removed as it was unreliable and broke game play more often then it worked correctly. The map is a great addition to any extraction fans.

The Fourth map present is Hillside Compound. Initially called build 5 it was my fifth experiment on Forge Island. I enjoyed building this and was told it reminded people a lot of halo 2. Well I’m glad so many enjoyed it. This map supports all gametypes except for dominion. What do I recommend? CTF, Slayer, and King of the Hill.

The fifth map is the generically named Erosionasa. Like its cousin Ravinasa, This map was built for Extraction Recently I added more extraction point and mixed them up a bit to promote movement around the map. It took longer to find the spot to forge this map on than it actually took to forge. That doesn’t mean I skipped corners on it. It means I just got it right the first time.

The last and final map is Industrial Plaza. This map was born for 3v3 combat. Supporting both 1 flag and 2 flag CTF This map is a great play for those who revel in close quarter combat. The map has no 1 central focus and combat is fought evenly on all sides of the map. I must say this one was the most enjoyable to forge on as it worked practically on the first forge. So just real quick for anyone wondering how to set up 1 flag one team is green and the other is yellow. If you go red and blue you will play two flag.

I thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy these maps,
