The Restaurant Critic... sorta


Jan 10, 2013
Chiron TL-34
Hey you guys! (And maybe a girl or two.) It's me, Socfuz, and I'm here to tell you all about my many dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and/or brunches at restaurants from across the country. And I don't mean fast-food restaurants. I mean "mom and pop" or chain restaurants also some that are in-between. I'll probably go over ones that are still in business. (Yes, I've been to a few that are now out of business. So sad.) Anyway, without further ado, my first restaurant to review/critique.

"High Cotton" in North Carolina (on the coast mainly)

High Cotton can be summed up perfectly with just two things.
1. Delicious, southern food at a good cost.
2. Cute waitresses in tight shorts.

But the waitresses are just a bonus. Not only does the food come out almost right after you order it, but the amount of food for the price is great! Half a fried chicken, a nice sized chicken, and two sides. Along with two hush puppies for only around 8 or 9 dollars. But onto the food that I've tried and what I thought of it.

Main Courses:
Pulled Pork BBQ: You get about a quarter pound of pulled pork, the only downside two sauces to choose from or Texas Pete. Probably the best pulled pork I've had, and I've had a lot.

Fried Chicken: Very good chicken, well seasoned and not too greasy. Just enough to help it slide down faster. Which you're going to need if you order the meal, since it's a half a chicken! Then you add the sides. Oh man...

Beef Brisket: A little too much fat for me, but it makes it very moist and tender and the sauce they put on it is quite good. I think it's the same sauce for the ribs, but I'm not too sure.

Ribs: Didn't get to try them, yet. :(

Fried Okra: Not greasy, and very crispy, even the actual okra has a snap to it. Which is good because a lot of times when you fry okra it gets slimy.

Chicken and Dumplings:
Definitely homemade. They certainly threw the whole bird right in that pot. I found a bone. The dumplings are thin and more like potato slices, and the chicken is thinner than the pulled pork, but damn is it good!

Brunswick Stew:
Pork, chicken, tomatoes, lima beans. Nothing else I can say but "Yummy!".

Coconut chess pie: It's to die for. Seriously, I'd kill you for it. Moist and delicious. And coconut.

* The Restaurant Itself/The Final Verdict:
Clean hardwood floors and wooden chairs. Quite a lot of tables, but very open and somewhat close with other tables. The waitresses are delightful and kind and asked multiple times if I needed a refill on my drink. Even had two waitresses wait on us at different times last night because it wasn't very busy. The bathrooms are quite nice. One stall and a urinal in the men's room. The sheet metal wall dividing them is funny because it looks like you can see through it, but it's just a reflection of the urinal. :laugh: There is a small shop off to the side where they sell some sauces and shirts. The music is classic rock, (and not too loud) so if you like that then you'll be in for a treat. All and all the rustic layout, cleanliness, nice music, kind staff, and great food makes this a place to definitely check out on your next trip to the beach in North Carolina. I give it an 8 out of 10!

Well that's all for now. I'll add some more restaurants when I'm more awake. Hope this is helpful and interesting. And if you guys like it I'll keep updating it with more restaurant reviews.

* My rating system (out of 10 points max):
1: Just don't go.
2. Not as bad as 1.
3. Almost there, but still wouldn't go back.
4. It had its faults.
5. Average.
6. Quite good. Possibility the staff wasn't so good or it wasn't very clean. Might go back again.
7. Fairly nice, would go back again.
8. Definitely a place to try. Delicious food, clean, good staff.
9. Dayum! That's what I'm talking about! I'd eat there twice a week!
10. I live in this restaurant now. Please notify my family and get the US mail to send all letters or packages to my new address.

Quasi Update: 11/2/14 12:08AM (I put the wrong name for the restaurant. lol)
All new things added are marked with a * (or, big ass asterisk.)
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