The Hot-dog Conspiracy


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Ok, so Hot-dogs come in packs of 10+. Now I know what your thinking: "10 hot-dogs in a single pack, what a swell deal!" BUT NO ITS A DAMN LIE!!! See Hot-dogs come in packs of 10 or so which yes is a good deal, but Hot-dog Buns come in only packs of 8!

See, the purpose is to force Americans to eat meat that has little to no beef. Americans are believed to have eaten 25.6 billion pounds of beef in 2011. I believe the US government saw this coming and that is why the numbers don't add up. They don't want us to devour so many cows. They want us addicted to this mystery meat, which is the worst part do we really know whats in that juicy round stick? It could be anything... even our good pal sparky:

And so, today I ask you to no longer take the wiener lying down. If your not American, take the same action before your country emulates this tragic attack on Beef lovers.​
This message was brought to you by the McDonalds Corperation


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
Random thread is random, but hey.

There's actually an economic reason for this: hot dogs and hot dog buns are complements. You don't have much use for a hot dog bun without a hot dog to go in it, and having a hot dog without a bun is much less enjoyable. This actually allows companies to sell more hot dogs and buns. For example, in order to get both goods in a fixed ratio (in this case 1:1), you would need to buy four packs of hot dogs and five packs of buns. Now, most people aren't going to do that in their average grocery shopping trip but this system can get people to buy two packs of buns to ensure they have enough for all of their hot dogs.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Random thread is random, but hey.

There's actually an economic reason for this: hot dogs and hot dog buns are complements. You don't have much use for a hot dog bun without a hot dog to go in it, and having a hot dog without a bun is much less enjoyable. This actually allows companies to sell more hot dogs and buns. For example, in order to get both goods in a fixed ratio (in this case 1:1), you would need to buy four packs of hot dogs and five packs of buns. Now, most people aren't going to do that in their average grocery shopping trip but this system can get people to buy two packs of buns to ensure they have enough for all of their hot dogs.

Exactly, making you buy more. Thats the purpose, for you to get more hotdogs so you'll eat less beef.