Halo The Halo 5 Thread


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
This thread is gunna cover everything we want to see or think we're going to see in Halo 5.
What do you all want to see, new or different, in Halo 5?

aligator ac

Jan 10, 2013
United Kingdom
Not the needy type here. But, I'll bite.
  • Zoom in(For everyone, even though I don't care)
  • Big canvas(flat, hilly and rough)
  • Useful Forge Objects
  • Weather settings
  • More money
  • Vehicles(UNSC flying and Covenant) (We don't need a Pelican)
  • Customised Magnets (Very beneficial)
Custom Games
  • Better settings
  • Bring back Assault, VIP and Territories
  • Lower range and increase charge time for the bolt shot.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Something big and innovative, like the enhanced multiplayer in Halo 2, and the forge/theater in Halo 3. People loved Halo to have life long memories, those were made in custom games, Bungie kinda wrote 343 into a corner with forge world, but I'm confident that the team at 343 is talented enough to pull through.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
Something big and innovative
^This is what we need. Halo and it's arcade-style gameplay is starting to get boring for me. I'd like to see some huge changes in gameplay and mechanics to make it feel more like a war instead of a pointless arena-based skirmish.

I'd also like to see some improvements in the game's overall quality. After looking at some of the next generation games, like Battlefield 4, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Metal Gear- Ground Zeroes, I'm really starting to see how weak and generic Halo actually is.

Forge and customs are necessities. These cannot be removed, and should definitely see some improvements.
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Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
What Halo 5 needs to do is fix the issues created in Halo 4, but also to move the series forward in some way. This can't be a gimmicky attempt to move things forward, but needs to actually take some elements of the sandbox or some core mechanics and change them a bit without actually breaking them. Weapons need to be balanced better, loadout options and armor abilities need to be refined. 343 just needs to pay attention to some of the wider implications of the smallest changes they make. The game needs to actually support competitive play out of the box also. The multiplayer sandbox has been the worst part of Halo 4, so that is what needs to be reevaluated. This isn't as tall of an order as it may sound, as making the game competitive again is as simple as removing some of the broken options added in Halo 4. walking the line between allowing players to customize loadouts and whatnot without breaking the sandbox wouldn't be too difficult.

Beyond that, I'm not too particular. Halo 4's forge has a lot of bugs which could be ironed out, and the design of the canvases could be better, Seeing the return of one-sided game modes and more customization options in game modes is very necessary. Halo 4's campaign was a pretty big disappointment to me as a long-time Halo campaign fan, both in terms of story and level design. In contrast to the multiplayer sandbox's flaws, I believe this to be something which 343 just needs to keep doing to get better at, as opposed to needing to reevaluate the entire design process. On the art and sound design side of things, I really think they need to just continue in the same direction they went with Halo 4.
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Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Sorry, I had to say that. Been watching you guys at THFE for years now and you're my favorite commentator.

But honestly, I completely agree. The forge needs some serious work. They had some awesome ideas, like the magnets, that just didn't work. And no precision editing is a massive bitch.
But I do think it had some good things, like some of the Forerunner weapons and the Forerunner enemies, which were hard as fuck and a new challenge. The level with the Mammoth and the Lich was probably the best level as well, but the entire campaign was kind of just...boring. I have had no reason to replay the campaign except to do some legendary gameplay...which is ultra hard.
I think the game would benefit from two different sets of playlists (which I'll call "Innovative" and "Classic") where players pick their style of gameplay before they even get into picking a matchmaking gametype. Innovative would have things like Sprint and Ordnance, and Classic would have neither of these things.

But I have a shitload of ideas I'd include to, all of which can be found in my massive ass thread: http://halocustoms.com/threads/the-updated-halo-5-list.12172/
You guys should check that out sometime.
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Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
Having two separate styles of gameplay (IE Classic and "Innovative") will only serve to polarize the community. The game needs to create some new features which serve to enhance the Halo gameplay rather than to upset the balance of it. Things like custom loadouts merely need to be refined as far as what options are available in them. Things like Infinity Ordnance which are inherently broken actually need to be removed. Most features just need some thought put into them in order to make them work. Halo can have new "stuff" in it without upsetting the real fans, this stuff just needs to be well designed and well implemented.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
See, that's the problem I've been having when I talk to my friends. I think that a classic "arena shooter" style and the more innovative style choice allows people to choose "Classic Halo" format and a loadout type format. I like things like loadouts and Ordnance (although it needs a serious overhaul) and stuff like CoD's pointstreaks. I play both Halo and CoD (although I've been a Halo fan much longer and prefer it) and I like stuff from both, I just wish some of the cool features from both could be implemented.
I guess that's my problem, I like new ideas and tons of features, but Halo fans are either completely for changing some stuff and adding some stuff, or completely against it. I get in so many arguments because I defend the attempts at innovation we can see in Halo 4, but traditionalists just bash the hell out of it.
I mean, it was 343's first full game, can we just cut them some slack?