Introduction The Commander is here!!!!!!

Jul 19, 2013
Kentucky, Merica
-Name, location, age (we recommend you don't give out too much personal information on the Internet)
-Gamertag: xXItzxTitanXx (Rarely online since I'm busy, but will be back full time in the fall)
Age: 19
-Location: I'm a good ole' boy from Kentucky here in Merica!
-What I play: Most FPS's (Halo and Battlefield mostly), lots of RPG's, Third Person Shooters, and anything else that seems cool.
-When I'm not gaming: I'm writing fan fiction of all sorts and dreaming up the next great machinima project, the current one being quite ambitious for my first project. I also spend many hours doing in depth research on Halo Canon and editing on Halo Nation.
-Misc. Info about me: I am quite ambitious in all my endeavors, and when I face obstacles I whip out my GravHam and bust through. I am quite friendly and never quarrel with anyone, unless I just want to attack your face. I also like long walks through Forge World. :D

Thanks for reading and I look forward to being on the site.

With Love, Bravo Commander XOXO