Competitive The Ark

Mar 30, 2013
The Ark (version FINAL) - Don't fall off the boat.

The Ark is an original asymmetrical small-scale competitive map designed for Team Slayer and 1-Site Extraction at the tournament level. Ark features hand built rock terrain and several landmarks for quick map orientation and enemy movement callouts. Mastering movement on Ark takes several games in order to learn how to avoid death pits and steer clear (or dominate) the dangerous cross map lines of sight. Gameplay is very fast paced and spawning is predictable. The optimal experience on Ark is...

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Mar 30, 2013
The Fated Fire updated The Ark with a new update entry:


Update log below. The updated design strongly reinforces and increases circular flow while improving player respawns on a systemic level. Screenshots in the overview.

  • Blue base reforged in order to increase playable space, improve spawning, and restrict the line of sight from top Gold into Blue.
  • Crates has been expanded to include a new structure, color coded Purple. Purple includes a Guardian style lift that arcs players over the boat and into back satellite tower.
  • ...

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