Gaming The Android Gaming Thread (and GotW)


Let's talk Android gaming! What are your favorite games? Why are they your favorite games? Give me lists, and give me rundowns! Let's make this the penultimate thread for someone who just got their first shiny new Droid and is looking for some gaming suggestions! Critique, share, recommend.

I'll also be running a Game of the Week series, where I'll highlight some of my favorite games that I think everyone should check out! So, without further adieu-


#2 - Contre Jour (Jan 13th - 19th)


Contre Jour (Puzzle/Platformer) - This game is pretty new to the market, but it's currently the one that I'm playing the most. The developer is new, as far as I know, but the publisher, Chillingo, is responsible for publishing a LOT of great games, including Anomaly: Warzone Earth, Anomaly: Korea, Draw Race 2, Cogs, Cut the Rope, and the original Angry Birds. Contre Jour plays like a more visceral and abstract version of Cut the Rope, with great graphics and a fantastic soundtrack. If Cut the Rope and World of Goo had the sexy times, their spawn would be Contre Jour. There's a bit of a learning curve with the controls, but its a fun experience. There's 100 levels available from the get go, in 5 different worlds, each introducing new mechanics and compounding strategies to form some pretty complex puzzles at times. Unfortunately, there isn't a free version, and this will set you back $1.99.

#1 - Iron Wars (Jan 6th - 12th)


Iron Wars (Shooter) - This is a really fun top-down shooter. You play as a marble, essentially, who can fire various weapons you pick up around the map. There are also power-ups and health to grab as well. There are Territories (team) and Slayer (FFA or team) gametypes, and several different detailed/complex maps. And it's FREE! The controls are simple (left thumbstick moves you, right fires in the direction you aim it), and work really well. The campaign is a ton of fun, and feels like multiplayer. There is also a multiplayer mode, but it only works over WiFi with friends nearby. This game offers GREAT value for a multiplayer-like, third-person, FREE shooter.


Jan 13, 2013
If u like LOL u should play heroes of order and chaos good since its free. If u like Gears of war play the shadow gun multi player since its free. Also play dead trigger best shooter on android plus its freee