TGTL Map Submissions


Supreme Leader of China
Feb 16, 2013
Hey there guys SteelGreen here, and I am here to say that TheGreenTeamLobbies YT will now be accepting map submissions for the TGTL channel. Now we have not made any map reviews yet because it is hard to find a lobby with the exact game you want to record, it is also likely I will not be the only commentater on the TGTL Channel. How ever there will be rules for the TGTL map submissions. One of the rules is that if you want a map submitted here it can't be featured on THFE before you submit it the reason is that I want to give the people of H.C. a chance with map features because personally I don't see the point of a smaller YT channel featuring maps that have been featured by a bigger Y.T. Channel.
  1. Please add a picture of the map
  2. Please add a description of the map
  3. Please give feedback to the other members if they ask for forging tips


link to the TGTL YT Channel
Last edited:


Jan 10, 2013
People have lives and other shit to do.
Yes, like trying to find out Internet logic. Somehow, it won't let me watch a 1080p video, even though my phone says the internet is at its average peak. I hate living out in the middle of nowhere :/