Introduction Teh Halos


Sep 10, 2013
Hello everybody~

So my gamertag is silly and long, yeah. But it's just stuck with me for a long time and I intend to keep it. If you would rather call me something shorter however, my real name is Zack, most just call my Ghosty or Zacky.

I've lived in many different places, but they are of no real concern. As for what I do in the places I live, it varies, I mainly have an interest in using cameras and other light snatching devices to make videos and Machinimas.

I love to play anything with anyone, so far as they are good sports in what we play and won't rage if they manage to lose a few games.

If you would like to know any other things, feel free to ask or PM, if not then I can't wait to meet others and get to know HaloCustoms a bit more~
Jan 10, 2013
The Union of Scree
Welcome to the community! If you want, you can navigate your self over to the customs tab and join or host as you feel. Or join in random discussions in the forums. I hope you enjoy yourself as much as I have