Gaming Taking the gane too seriously


Feb 1, 2013
Why do sine people take games so seriously? Really, I mean it's only a video game. I had some dude flip out on me just because he didn't like the way I played a game and said he was gonna get all of his friends to report me for that reason. I laughed. But honestly, why? What do you accomplish when you win a game? I mean if it's part of a tournament or something where you win prizes I can understand but just a standard game? Wow...
The way I see this is that most games (especially shooters) can be obsessed over by those with low maturity.
This, paired with the anonymity things such as xbl have make people do things they would never do in real life. Another part of this is that if someone develops their own standards of how things should be done in the virtual game, which they really can not control beyond arguing and threatening (this is sometimes accompanied by a lack of ability to control their real life, such as being abused or having parent control freaks), they may start to use bullying or lying (about what they can do, like hacking) to keep that semblance of control. If consistant, this can cause an elitism/dominance complex in the person, which is why they may be so aggressive in asserting their empty dominance over others. All (or most) of these things combined, and what you described is what you get.
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Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Well, it's really just an annoying add on we have to accept with competitive video games I guess, because 343 sort of cocked up Flood casual gamers don't have anywhere to go on matchmaking. It's kind of like soccer, it will start out casual, but if you're good and want to do it as a job ... yeah you can see where I'm going.


Feb 1, 2013
Why do sine people take games so seriously? Really, I mean it's only a video game. I had some dude flip out on me just because he didn't like the way I played a game and said he was gonna get all of his friends to report me for that reason. I laughed. But honestly, why? What do you accomplish when you win a game? I mean if it's part of a tournament or something where you win prizes I can understand but just a standard game? Wow...

Why do people take games seriously?
Gaming is Competition
In Competition, you want to be the best
You try your hardest to be the best.
And when you are not the best, you think you are bad and your efforts are in vain.

On a side note... your spelling is terrible.
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Jan 29, 2013
Well, I am not sure I take game play seriously, I guess, because I really don't get upset if I lose. But I take forge seriously because it offers a real challenge for me from a creativity perspective. Firstly I am still learning how to make maps that are fun to play on. That to me is the greatest challenge, and I love that challenge. Second, I am thrilled with my maps when they look very nice artistically. I feel like I painted a masterpiece or something. For me it is a moment of extreme satisfaction from an artistic perspective.

Also, I enjoy writing, as my blogs sort of suggest...
Feb 1, 2013
some times i muck around some times i play seriously
but i dont think i play TOO seriously
like if i do well and my team lets me down
i get annoyed but i dont file complain anyone or anything
Jan 29, 2013
I had becomes friends with one guy who had a clan. I wasn't the best shot on the board (and he would say that he was not either). Several of us in the party dragged the team down when playing Invasion one night. You could hear the silent fuming on his part. Just about everyone on the team slowly excused themselves and left. I didn't say a thing, just wanted to observe the social interactions within this particular clan. It was amazing to me how someone could take winning so seriously that his "friends" would abandon ship like they did.

Dysfunctional clan...

I also play RISK on the XBOX (Electronic Art). I don't care if I win or not. Even if I get taken off the board, I stay to watch a well played game.