Swash and Pool's Puzzle Master Challenge (Win $20)

Feb 17, 2013
Ohio, United States
Hello to all members of the Halo Customs Community!!
Swash983 and I have created a puzzle map on Halo 4 and we challenge you to defeat it! The person to beat the puzzle, and find all the hidden cones with the fastest time will win $20 to Amazon. There is 1 cone for each room (except the very first) for a total of 5.
(This competition will end on August 16, 2013 ; Good Luck Everyone! Rules are below)
Important!! Download map HERE and gametype HERE. Important!!
(The people, who´ve downloaded the prior version must redownload it)
  • You must complete it alone (no other players are allowed in the game lobby)
  • You are not allowed to cheat the fusion coils by bashing them with melee(Picture below)
  • The run doesn't have to be perfect (no death limit)
  • Don´t modify the map in forge, the clips will be verified by the map creator.
  • Don´t alter the game type (Higher jump ability, Increased speed, etc.)
  • Upload the whole film of your run to your fileshare and send me a message on Xbox Live or HC
  • Several videos showing only separated parts of the map are not allowed; it has to be one video showing the entire run.
  • When the contest is over I will provide a walkthrough of the map.
  • Please don't share solutions to the puzzle, as other people then have a chance to win :p
  • If you have any questions, just message me or Swash on HC.
Be honorable and don´t try to cheat the prize! Those who cheat shouldn't deserve $20 :p

Some information and tips
  • Some of the jumps may seem impossible, though I promise you they are :p
  • Some puzzle involve clearing out a fusion coil, don't try to cheat them by bashing them, your clip will not count :)
  • This map includes some Halo 4 specific puzzles(Puzzle only that can be done using the Halo 4 stuff) Remember this if you get stuck at any part of the puzzle
  • Try not to help other people out with it, for it is meant to be a challenge, and those receiving the prize should receive it without any hints :)
  • Once you beat the map, play it again, and look for the cones, as you must shoot them all to win.
  • Also when you finish the puzzle, try to do it again, but with a faster time, as it will grant you the prize :)
  • I was able to defeat it in 13 minutes :)

Some lovely pictures :)

Swash Room 1

Swash & Pool Room 1

Pool Room 1

Swash Room 2

Pool Room 2

And finally, we'll leave the final room for you guys to discover!
Here is an example of a fusion coil gate, don't try to cheat it :p

Anyways thanks for checking out the contest. Again, defeat the puzzle and find all the cones fastest to win $20 to Amazon :) Please leave any feedback in this thread!