Super Smash Kitteh's

Jan 10, 2013
The Union of Scree
Who on Halo Customs has the coolest cat? You decide! Introducing:


Not my Kitteh
Because the internet doesn't have enough cats already

I want YOUR pictures of YOUR cats!

It's simple. To enter all you need to do is snap a pic of YOUR cat, upload to an image sharing site (such as Imgur or Photobucket), copy the image URL, and Email it to me at [email protected] and the subject saying "Kitteh Porn" and your Halo Customs user name. Submissions end on June 18, 2014 at 12:00 Eastern Time (Only one submission per person).

Now if it wasn't clear enough, I want pics of YOUR cat. Not your neighbors ex-wife's cousin's ex-husband's cat. :no:. YOUR cat.

After I receive submissions I will create a thread for voting of the felines. One vote per user. Please do not make proxy accounts other wise your votes will be void and cat pic submission.

Now what is the prize for having the coolest cat?

Disclaimer: Sack and Self Esteem not included

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