Introduction Sup everyone!


Nov 13, 2015
Haledon, NJ
Hey guys! My gamertag is Darkx3lA, but you guys can call me Alex.
I'm not new to Halo, but I'm new to the Halo community. The last time I was really active on Xbox Live was Halo 2, but I've been making maps since Halo 3 Forge came out. (So obviously I never shared anything online)

Barely anyone I know plays online anymore, but I'm going to buy Xbox Live Gold so I can share some maps with you guys when Halo 5 Forge is released.

Halos 1-3 and Forge from Master Chief Collection (not even campaign) are the only Halo experiences I have. I bought Halo 5 and realized the controls are completely different from what I remember. Due to my lack of skill in playing the game, I feel like my perception of map design and knowledge of jumps/movement feats are outdated (I barely dealt with sprint before). Also I know nothing about uploading/downloading maps, although something tells me that :343: is redesigning that aspect of the system.

So............anyone have any good level design study references/pointers?

NOTE: Yes, I totally copied my introduction from ForgeHub. Whatever, who cares? Here's some more info.

I produce electronic music when I'm not working or playing games, so far nothing mastered or released, but if you want to check out some of my old stuff, go to (this will change eventually).

Hit me up if you wanna play soon! (I'll get gold when I get paid next week hopefully)
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