Introduction strange new person

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
Hello, I was on halo waypoint a few hours ago and noticed this website in on of the homepage posts, so here I am just wanting to play custom games and arse around. I won't give out my name obviously, not unless you'd just given me absurd amounts of hookers and alcohol. However I do live in Australia, in my teens but sounds like a 10 year old, but not acting like the typical ones you'd find in your average CoD match.

My gamertag is dividing MDH, however whilst under the influence I tend to want to buy some microsoft points and change it to Lethal Salmon, like what a badass gamertag that is. I like to play halo 4 (duh, why else would I be here), however I am very open to things and am not a fanboy, so I play CoD as well, minus the multiplayer which sucks a rat's arse. I also play a lot of Mass Effect, I am currently doing another playthrough of Alan Wake and have pre ordered crysis 3 as I am hyped even after the disappointing crysis 2, however I also play a bunch of other stuff and try to stay on top of things (but I usually fail anyway)

I like to read a lot and I read and write on Fan Fiction all the time, and despite petty stereotypes I do not regard Fan Fiction as being completely full of terrible stories, you just have to acquire the know-how of getting to avoid those particular stories. I have just started going back to high school after the holidays and so far it seems to be okay, but I said that at the start of last year, and basically after that everything went tits up.

I've come here to have a great time and play custom games, and I hope this web site becomes really successful ;)
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
Nice intro! As a fellow Fanfic fan, I can tell ya there's no judgment here. I gotta say, fandoms can be pretty darn creative some times! :D We've got quite a few australians coming in, so don't worry about being left out :)