Introduction Spreading a bit of Fresh Absurdity

Ye Olde Apple

Aug 7, 2014
Well hello, Halo Custom's users!

I'm Ye Olde Apple, most commonly referred to as 'Apple' for ease and convenience. I received a nice tip from a beloved Biowolf93 that you fine folks might potentially enjoy customs games on Halo. Just maybe, right?

Regardless, I'm one of the staff members over at I'm more known as their official videographer, as I'm in charge of recording and recreating an 'Aftermath' so to speak of their game nights. I've been editing for more than four years with software including, if not limited to, After Effects, Cinema4D, Photoshop, and Sony Vegas. (basically your everyday YouTuber)

Anyways, Biowolf insisted that I poke my head through your door while not creating a scene to hopefully spread a few words your way about our continuous weekly Halo nights we've been hosting. I won't go straight to landfilling my introduction as an advertisement, so I'll be sure to spread the word in a new thread as I get used to the site. However, I did want to get across that I'm glad to make my first impressions here, and to hopefully meet some new faces.

As always, hope you guys stay fresh, and I await to finally talk with you folks. c:

Apple New Toy.png