Introduction Spades N AZ finally joins

Spades N AZ

Jan 30, 2013
I have been extremely excited to join this site although I will not be the most active because of a busy schedule. I have run a custom game night for 2 years and have thought about doing this website myself. One major problem, I'm computer retarded, and wouldn't know where to start. I'm lucky to figure out facebook when they are constantly updating that crap. Anyway, a huge thanks to my friend Insane54 and everyone involved for bringing this to the community. It truly is going to be the future of Halo since the matchmaking seems to be consistently declining.
Now a little about me I guess. I owned a flooring and remodeling business for almost a decade and shut the doors, laid of 55 employees, and sold the trucks when the economy crashed and destroyed the construction prices. Then I went to a medical school and and received my L.M.T., got published, and now I am currently working on my doctors while working.
I love sports and I once found plenty of time to be involved with them. I traveled with a Rugby club and was nicknamed "lil white boy" because I was the only none Island Pacific on the team. Even though I am 6'3" and 225 lbs. I also did Ultimate boxing, Bloodfest, Bad Boys Boxing, Slugfest, and other semi-pro boxing tournaments. I was on ESPN twice with a winning record of 22-2-1. Now, with life as busy as it is I like my quiet nights geeking out on Halo.


Jan 24, 2013
Woah, that's quite a lot you've got going on.

I'm not sure if you would know, but along my the left side of my of my ribcage I have sharp pains every now and then along the large muscle that connects up to the shoulder (can't remember what it's called), but is there anything I could do about it? It's been like this for several months and I've just dealt with it, but it's getting annoying. I'm a pitcher on my HS team, so that muscle gets used a fair amount.

Anyways, awesome to see someone else here who's interested in the human body (engineer who is premed here)
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Spades N AZ

Jan 30, 2013
Woah, that's quite a lot you've got going on.

I'm not sure if you would know, but along my the left side of my of my ribcage I have sharp pains every now and then along the large muscle that connects up to the shoulder (can't remember what it's called), but is there anything I could do about it? It's been like this for several months and I've just dealt with it, but it's getting annoying. I'm a pitcher on my HS team, so that muscle gets used a fair amount.

Anyways, awesome to see someone else here who's interested in the human body (engineer who is premed here)

Are you taking the proper preventative measures like icing, stretching, and receiving body treatments? That's what most people neglect and a good place to start. A lot of muscles are involved with a simple throw. The "large muscle" along your ribcage which "connects to the shoulder" is your Latissimus Dorsi which originates at the inferior angle of the scapula, spinous processes of the last six tharasic vertebrae, last three or four costal bones, thoraculumbar apenerosis and posterior iliac creast. All of this inserts at the intertubrical lip of the humurous which is at the proximal head. Although this could be what hurts I would suggest checking the posterior deltoid, teres major, supraspinatous, subscapularis, infraspinatous, and teres minor too. These are all muscles associated with horizantal abduction along the transverse plane. Too bad your not in AZ. For $80 an hour I would have you in tip top shape.


Jan 24, 2013
Once it started acting up I started icing and taking it easy on the field, but it persisted, I think it started because I just overworked it after having pretty much not used those muscles in that way for a year or two. It really is amazing to see how complex our bodies are. I hope you're like this chiropractor that I used to go to, he would work magic with his hands, I've never had anything like it since.
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Spades N AZ

Jan 30, 2013
Once it started acting up I started icing and taking it easy on the field, but it persisted, I think it started because I just overworked it after having pretty much not used those muscles in that way for a year or two. It really is amazing to see how complex our bodies are. I hope you're like this chiropractor that I used to go to, he would work magic with his hands, I've never had anything like it since.
only better