Halo Some thoughts...


Jan 16, 2013
So in case you haven't noticed (if you haven't, you must've been living under a rock) a lot of people aren't particularly happy with 343's take on Halo, a good bit are flat out upset. While people have good reason to be a little unhappy with the way things turned out for 343's first game, I think a lot of people have the wrong outlook on the game. Anyways, here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you're deciding whether you "like" a game (in this case, Halo 4).

1. Are you enjoying the game?
I know this sounds like an obvious questing but are you really enjoying the current game? Any part of it. there's no law that says "you have to play 8 hours of SpOps grinding and MatchMaking" if you enjoy campaign, just play it! so what if you don't level up much, the reason you play games is to have fun, so go do what you love, so you love what you play. And if you find that Halo 4 really isn't enjoyable anymore, there are plenty of other games out there, surely you can find SOMETHING you like! :D

2. If there is something you don't like, think about it from the developers perspective.
A lot of people are really hating on 343, without really taking into consideration why 343 might have done various controversial things with the game that they did; a lot of the "bad" decisions that were made during Halo 4's production were made due to a few big factors; 1. The Xbox 360 is ANCIENT now, there's not room to make insane graphical improvements or have quite as large environments.
Also this is 343's FIRST game, even when Bungie first made Halo, they had been making games for a whole decade previously, very few game companies make games that are as popular as Halo 4 their first game. Plus they're making a HALO title, that's a ginormous undertaking no matter who you are, I'd say they did pretty good for their first try.

3. There's a difference between "bad" and "not quite what you would've done"
So what if you don't like a certain armor type or the inclusion of SpOps instead of Firefight, there are plenty of other fans who might enjoy the part of the game that you avidly hate, so try being a little more considerate when you hate something, hate is a powerful word! While there are some things that are "wrong" with the new game, it's not NEAR what people are saying. Also, has anyone thought that 343 has a vision for Halo too?

4. In all games, no matter who makes them, the next game will be different than the previous ones.
I think when 343 changes something Bungie put in place it shows they have confidence in what they are creating, and that's a good thing! It seems like people complain about the things that stay the same and then get upset with the new things, and yes, some of the new additions weren't the best, but no one hits the bulls-eye every time, not even you. ;)

So when it comes right down to it, I think many people don't give 343 the credit they deserve, they've spent the last 4-odd years working on something only to have a community tell them that they don't care about Halo, a lot of these guys (and girls) used to be fans like you, and they probably tried there best to make a game that you and I would love!
But everyone IS entitled to their opinion (Including me) so feel free have that opinion, just make sure you have a correct view of things, OK? :)


Jan 14, 2013
1. Yes, I like the game. War Games feel kinda burnt out, but pvp is always good. Spartan Ops storytelling and minifilms are sweet and immersive, but the gameplay still feels so staged, I only enjoy them the first time through. Also...I haven't finished the campaign. I kinda stopped playing and started laughing when I saw the snaggletoothed forerunner villian.
2. Yeah, 360 is ancient, that's a good reminder to all, and I still have trouble believing that no new consoles have come out in so long. And you're right, 343 stepped into some big shoes...
3. ...but I still feel they maybe put a little too large a personal stamp on Halo. Of course, one also has to assume that there was a fair amount of style/design elements that 343 couldn't touch because they were still intellectual property of Bungie.
4. Players will always debate changes, it's human nature. The difference between the others and this one is that there's a shiny new name to blame/applaud for those changes.

343 did well. It may not quite be Halo, but it's a good FPS.
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Podcast Crew
Dec 29, 2012
I find it pretty hard to cut them any slack when they inherited the legacy and gigantic fan base. Adding 1,000 armor pieces and ripping loadouts from every other multiplayer game is not improving the Halo franchise. 343 needs to focus on what will keep people coming back for more.

-Extensive forging capabilities that give the players almost as much map-making potential as a game developer
-Easy file sharing and video creation, even look into some kind of connection straight to youtube.
-At least an option in multiplayer for the style of game we've been mission since the H2/H3 days. Keep the hardcore gamers around.
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Jan 16, 2013
I find it pretty hard to cut them any slack when they inherited the legacy and gigantic fan base. Adding 1,000 armor pieces and ripping loadouts from every other multiplayer game is not improving the Halo franchise. 343 needs to focus on what will keep people coming back for more.

Ripping load outs from other franchises? Please explain... I'm not quite following...
Feb 1, 2013
why is everyone complaining there is only two things they could of improved on which were forge which is already amazing and the death of the didact which actually might be fine if he really survived and is in H5. u know i think the problam is the fans their standards were extreemly extreemly high i mean its their first game and they didnt have as much time as bungie did on there games. i mean it is already an extreemly amazing game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jan 16, 2013
I like this thread but i consider the haters a minority, i dont have any serious problems with this game and i am loving it :)
you looked at the halo waypoint forums lately? Most of the people who hate don't know what they're talking about though...


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
you looked at the halo waypoint forums lately? Most of the people who hate don't know what they're talking about though...
Dude some of the threads I've posted here I first posted over there and they got no attention because of complaint threads even the ones that got a little popular turned into arguing over stupid things. I much prefer it here everyone is much more polite.


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
you looked at the halo waypoint forums lately? Most of the people who hate don't know what they're talking about though...
well all the haters are gathering at one place, of course the official forums are crowded with these, but there is nothing to bitch about really IMO, nothing gamebreaking in halo 4, only some flaws that will be adressed in the title update, why would you go all ragemode on it?
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Jan 16, 2013
well all the haters are gathering at one place, of course the official forums are crowded with these, but there is nothing to bitch about really IMO, nothing gamebreaking in halo 4, only some flaws that will be adressed in the title update, why would you go all ragemode on it?
I agree, but I was replying to what someone said about haters being in the minority, also I'm not really raging, I was just pointing out something.


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
I agree, but I was replying to what someone said about haters being in the minority, also I'm not really raging, I was just pointing out something.
i was the one that said that ;) and i was talking about the haters not you, your post here is very fair and it shows that you are a reasonable and mature person :p


Jan 16, 2013
Somewhere in the UK.
The haters are definitely a minority for this subject why would we be talking about this if we didn't like the game and wish for it to continue to improve. 343 did their best and I think their best was good enough, not great but good enough. My personal opinions of the game are my own so I have a choice weather too share them with you or not, you do not have to take note of my opinion just knowledge that it is my opinion and that therefore I am entitled to it. So in my opinion some more vehicles and more forge pieces could be needed but other than that I don't have many big problems with the game.
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