Gaming Scariest Game You EVER Played

Tell me about the most gut wrenching paranoid gaming experience you've had. (It can be from watching someone play the game or you playing the game.) Mine is watching PewDiePie play Eyes the Horror Game. That thing was scary enough to make me check my room twice before going to bed. God im scared....

Here's the video i watched of Eyes

when i was a little kid the scariest games for me were hunting unlimited and carnivores(PC version) as i got a little older i started playing M-rated games like Aliens vs Predator, and that game scared the crap out of me, until i played it more.

now the only game that scares the sh*t out of me is the Xbox indie game White Nosie.
when i was a little kid the scariest games for me were hunting unlimited and carnivores(PC version) as i got a little older i started playing M-rated games like Aliens vs Predator, and that game scared the crap out of me, until i played it more.

now the only game that scares the sh*t out of me is the Xbox indie game White Nosie.
That slender based game? Slender doenst even scare me. As for my brother, he says hes scared to play it again AND HES OLDER THAN ME! Weird huh....


Just Another Guru
Jan 17, 2013
I don't really play scary games (I often find them boring, like Slender), but the scariest I think has been Bioshock 1. I haven't finished it yet, but from the first moment in Rapture I can tell that whatever is wound the next corner is something that I may not have been mentally prepared for. Case and point: the doctor you meet in the early game.
I don't really play scary games (I often find them boring, like Slender), but the scariest I think has been Bioshock 1. I haven't finished it yet, but from the first moment in Rapture I can tell that whatever is wound the next corner is something that I may not have been mentally prepared for. Case and point: the doctor you meet in the early game.
I can agree to that, watching the game being played by others