Introduction Saw Some Familiar Names, Now I'm Here!


Jan 19, 2013
I saw a link to this site over on NeoGAF, clicked it out of curiosity, and was quite pleased to see so many familiar names and faces still involved in the Halo scene. I haven't been super big on Halo/Forge since H3, as I wasn't a huge fan of Reach, but if I can find a good group of people to play fun customs with, H4 may keep me around for longer.

Anyhow, glad to be here, and best of luck with running the site! I know there are a lot of tried and tested leaders here, and I look forward to seeing this community prosper.

EDIT: I also love this forum software, and had a mild laughing attack upon seeing the default Schmeef user picture. Excellent down to the details, I like it.
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