RvB Gaming Ninja Warrior Tournament


Mar 30, 2013
RvB Gaming​
Ninja Warrior Tournament

Tournament Information

  • You must reply to this thread saying your timezone and gamertag to sign up
  • The tournament begins on NOW!!!
  • The tournament will be run in 4 separate stages.
  • Forge Island DLC is required to enter the tournament.
  • I do not have a capture card so i will not be recording this but i will use photos and post round updates inside this thread.
  • I cannot be held responsible if your stage isn't completed in the designated time frame if you wait till last minute. Your round must be completed by the following Sunday at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time
Tournament Rules
  • You must complete each map in the allotted time given.
  • You must schedule and complete your stage run in the time frame given.
  • No cheating (based on my discretion)
Tournament Breakdown

Stage One and Two

  • The stage 1 map will be released to the public effective immediately. The map will be located in file share Jorriley's. The second stage will not be released in advance.
  • Stage One and Two must be completed in 80 seconds or less in order to advance to the next round.
  • Stage One entries are available NOW Sept 1 - Sept 8 (whenever I am available)
  • Stage Two entries will be available from Sept 10 - Sept 15 (whenever I am available)
  • If you die or fail to complete in the required time you will be eliminated from the tournament.
  • The clock will start once you begin your first jump.
  • The clock will stop when you die or melee the explosive at the end of the course.
Stage Three

  • Stage Three does not have a time limit.
  • Stage Three entries will be available Sept 17 - Sept 22
  • If you die you are eliminated from the tournament.
  • Once you begin you can not turn back. The stage is completed when you melee the explosive at the end.
Stage Four

  • Stage Four must be completed in under ?? seconds
  • The clock starts on the first jump and ends when you die or melee the explosive at the end.
  • If multiple people exceed the time limit the fastest time will be declared the tournament champion

The champion will be crowned when Stage Four is completed.​
If Stage Four is not completed by anyone in the required time NO winner will be crowned.​
If multiple competitors complete Stage Four in under the required time the fastest time will be the declared the winner.​
So the question is, what does the winner get...​
the moment of truth is coming...​
the winner will receive...​
a microsoft point card for the amount of...​
more than 400 points...​
800 points!!!!​
sorry I don't have much​
Inspired by all the great Ninja Warrior Community​


Mar 30, 2013
Ludicroustrash I just wan you to know you are not the only person to sign up this tournament is not just on halocustoms it's for whoever wants to sign up a couple people on my friends list signed up also