Halo Request for more feedback on my YouTube show


Jan 13, 2013
New Jerz
If I'm breaking some forum rule by posting this over here, please just chalk it up to stupidity. I don't really get what's allowed and not allowed, and don't tell me to check out the rules, b/c i did that and it seems like people hardly follow them anyway....SO!

I just really want to get the word out and get more feedback on my first YouTube show. The analytics on YouTube are fascinating but they don't tell me what people really think. The initial response has been great! Very supportive, and a handful of people have subscribed, and none of them are my Mom. Nothing to brag about, but an encouraging start.

If you haven't yet seen it...

My second episode is in the works, so I'd love to know what people want more of and what I could leave out. Was the first too long? (5 min seems long to me, but I don't know if i can fit everything into a 2 min video) I know the audio sucked for the guest, hopefully i got that fixed. When i feature a map you'll see more of that map than I showed of my racetrack in the first episode. The first show was mainly my introduction to all of you.

The goal here is to be FUN! Just a fun show for anyone wanting some Forge porn while stuck at work, procrastinating at school, or in traffic (i don't care if you use your phone while driving as long as I get another view).

Stay frosty,


Jan 13, 2013
New Jerz
A new segment debuting under "The Map Show" banner. Calling it the "Friday Night 5!"

Next week I "shoot" episode two of the Big Show, but in the meantime...

God, I really need those custom thumbnails already.​
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Jan 13, 2013
New Jerz
Dude this is amazing! only thing was that game audio was too loud or the mics weren't loud enough around 1:38
I'd love to be on your show once I get started building a new map.
Anyways, you've earned yourself another subscriber :D
yeah, next time i'm hoping to use skype to capture my interview audio. trying to get the right mix using the elgato is impossible since it captures game and chat in one muddled mess. Thanks for checking it out!

Rev Righteous

I definitely think your format is the most fun and unique of the Halo Youtube channels I have seen. My only feedback would be in to keep up the output first. The second thing it sounds like you are already working on, which is improving the interview audio. I know the in-game chat can get really sloppy, so Skype may be a good choice. I really like that you have the creator on to talk about their map; I'm unaware of any other channel that does that regularly. I would love to see some more in depth discussion of the creation process with the makers in the future. Overall, my feedback is just polish the small details because you are going in a good direction already!
Also, what's the process for submitting a map to your channel? I recall there being an email address you had mentioned in a former post, but I cant find it.


Jan 13, 2013
New Jerz
The second thing it sounds like you are already working on, which is improving the interview audio. I know the in-game chat can get really sloppy, so Skype may be a good choice.
Also, what's the process for submitting a map to your channel?
Rev, sorry for the delayed response. maps can be submitted by email to [email protected]. Things are a bit backed up right now, with the Easter holiday and my return to the workforce, I haven't had as much free time to dedicate to the show. I'm currently cutting shows 3 and 4 simultaneously. I hope to have both of them up by Friday at the latest. You and everyone who struggled to hear the interview audio will be happy to know that show #4's interview was conducted over Skype. Thanks again for the support.

Rev Righteous

Rev, sorry for the delayed response. maps can be submitted by email to [email protected]. Things are a bit backed up right now, with the Easter holiday and my return to the workforce, I haven't had as much free time to dedicate to the show. I'm currently cutting shows 3 and 4 simultaneously. I hope to have both of them up by Friday at the latest. You and everyone who struggled to hear the interview audio will be happy to know that show #4's interview was conducted over Skype. Thanks again for the support.

Great, I look forward to them!