Report for class

a bored teen

Jan 20, 2013
From the ruined remains of Europe in World War Two to the jungles of Vietnam during the Cold War era until now fighting a war against global terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq American soldiers have been there on the front lines. They have been there as peace keepers. They have been there as liberators. They have done there jobs to protect the government and people of the United States. But at what cost? Our fathers, brothers, and sons have come home to us struggling with emotions and post traumatic stress because of the horrific scenes of the battlefield. Some have come back as amputees. Many of our soldiers will never come home at all. Are all of these casualties really necessary? The cost of war high than it has ever been. Why do we keep fighting wars we can not afford let alone win? We do not need any more war between the United States of America and other nations.

It is not proof read yet. There are mistakes. I just want to know what you think about the content. Thanks