Halo Reach was better, but give it time.


Jan 13, 2013
Personally I think they should just rerelease halo 2 or halo 3 like they did with CE and IMO reach definitely killed the franchise for me, playing it after years of h2 and h3 it just didn't feel like a proper halo game. I'm not saying it was bad, just not MY ideal game.


Feb 1, 2013
San Diego, CA
Microsoft saved them from bankruptcy and they constantly complained.
What? Complained? What are you talking about?

Bungie has not only created what I believe to be the best video game franchise ever, but their other games, Myth and Marathon, were pretty good games. The way Bungie creates stories for their games are far more in depth and complex than most other games these days. So much that the story extends to books and even short films. How many developers give you as much freedom as they do in Halo? This is why I love Valve as well.
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Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
Reach is like a sub-series Halo Game, it hardly should be put in there with the others, it should be like Halo Wars, a game that took the idea of Halo and approached it from a different, non-spartan, angle.
This is my take on Reach.

It was cute, but it wasn't anything like Halo 3.
H4 is more like H3 than Reach was, and simply put, that is far superior.

Reach was fun and all, but Halo 4 is better IMO (across the board) and will continue to get better as time goes on!

PS - Complaining about maps wont get any made...


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
are u crazy halo 4 is twenty times better than reach halo 4 is halo 3 with alot more custimisation
I even have to disagree a little about that as I :(lost my Chopper & Brute/Grifshot.

What? Complained? What are you talking about?

Bungie has not only created what I believe to be the best video game franchise ever, but their other games, Myth and Marathon, were pretty good games. The way Bungie creates stories for their games are far more in depth and complex than most other games these days. So much that the story extends to books and even short films. How many developers give you as much freedom as they do in Halo? This is why I love Valve as well.
Complained about time alot mostly on H3 and it was the best one. I never got to play either of those I'm not a PC guy. As much as I hate to agree they did make a good product when they cared enough to try.

P.S I know marathon is on the live market, but I've been too busy to play it lately.
Feb 1, 2013
I even have to disagree a little about that as I :(lost my Chopper & Brute/Grifshot.

oh yeah i forgot about the grifshot i think it is way way better than the concussion rifle and the chopper was a great loss too :(
but hopefully they are listening to what we wnat and bringing those back and some other things like the revanant and the SMG:)

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
Saying Reach is better is such a stretch...

Reach was literally the only Halo game I didn't get. It was fun, but not nearly as good as H2 even (IMO). Halo 4 is awesome thusfar, and needs a few more maps, but that's it. The rest is really nicely balanced and feels great.

They could add more to forge for H5, but I have no doubt H5 will blow us away with awesomesauce.

So far, Halo 4 has impressed me compared to Reach, in every possible way (even map selection).

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
ugh... It frustrates me so much to know the 343 is wasting the great potential that this game has. No forge maps in doubles? why?

Guys, it's their first game, and it's a huge enough undertaking just because of the franchise.

Right now I see people complaining about not receiving things instantly/quickly. Companies cannot instantly provide the experiences we all want, all at once too. I think that the community can decide what things take precedence, but even then that needs to be assessed by 343 based on capability.

ATM, we have a growing community here, it's up to US HERE to make the game better by making good groups and good maps. 343 will do their diligence, they will continue to provide us with all the necessities.

Remember fellas there are always good things coming to those that wait.

Be patient, and you wont be disappointed!

PS - Regarding the amount of time it takes for updates - There is a company called RIOT games, and they run the biggest game in the world, they have yet to balance 50% of the character pool for competitive/high level play (heck some characters are so bad they cannot be played without being flamed by everyone) and they have been running the game for 3 years. For over a year there are 3-7 characters that have been in this "trash tier".
Yet, it's still the MOST PLAYED GAME IN THE WORLD.