Introduction Pvt. Noob, reporting for duty.


Feb 4, 2015
GT: Zappahx because Zappah is already taken, unfortunately.

I'm from California, 18 and a half. I'm a senior in highschool. When somebody says they are mature, they most likely aren't - but I am. I'm not in the surfer zone of CA either, I'm from the laid back and chill part known as San Francisco. I couldn't afford a 360 back in the Halo 3 hey-days, but I did finally get one when Halo Reach came around, so I got my hands on forge world as soon as possible.

I'm only on 360 because there isn't enough money to go around for an Xbone, just so you know.

Please add or message me if you want to play any Reach or Halo 4 customs! I'm up for anything except 2v2 or 4v4. I love big team battle the most, and most of the maps if not all of them I forge are made for huge lobbies. Thanks!