Gaming Playing Halo after Destiny?

Will you still play Halo if Destiny is a success?

  • Of course not. Screw Halo.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Maybe for nostalgic reasons.

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Yes. Nothing can replace Halo!

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Other circumstance

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 20, 2013
Will you still play Halo after Destiny...

  • ...if Destiny is a success? THIS is the real question.
  • ...if Destiny is a failure? You probably would, but I suppose that depends on your stance on Halo at the moment.


Dec 30, 2012
Either way, I'm not coming back to Halo. I'm so disappointed with 343, and their bullshit laziness. If Destiny fails, I'll game pc.


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
Halo has held a special place in my heart ever since middle school. My friend would bring Halo 2 over to my house and we would just play it all night, 1v1ing on the biggest maps (lol) and repeatedly blasting through the game on Legendary co-op. That is something that no other series is going to do for me, even aside from the level of quality in the games, the memories are there. Since then, Halo has evolved for me into a form of creative expression through map design and even a source of income through making youtube videos. I fully expect Destiny to be awesome, but nothing is going to pull me away from Halo for too long as Halo is the main reason why I even play video games at this point. It's disappointing when the game's new developers make stupid mistakes, but their stewardship of the franchise has honestly gone better than I expected so far, and I look forward to seeing them learn from their mistakes and Bungie's successes.

In short, yes I will be playing Destiny. That's not going to make me stop playing Halo, though.
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Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
Of course! the combination of both guarantee the ultimate science-fiction gaming experience, please add the option "Of course! I will play both games!"


Dec 30, 2012
Halo has held a special place in my heart ever since middle school. My friend would bring Halo 2 over to my house and we would just play it all night, 1v1ing on the biggest maps (lol) and repeatedly blasting through the game on Legendary co-op. That is something that no other series is going to do for me, even aside from the level of quality in the games, the memories are there. Since then, Halo has evolved for me into a form of creative expression through map design and even a source of income through making youtube videos. I fully expect Destiny to be awesome, but nothing is going to pull me away from Halo for too long as Halo is the main reason why I even play video games at this point. It's disappointing when the game's new developers make stupid mistakes, but their stewardship of the franchise has honestly gone better than I expected so far, and I look forward to seeing them learn from their mistakes and Bungie's successes.

In short, yes I will be playing Destiny. That's not going to make me stop playing Halo, though.

You see duck, I share many awesome memories of the earlier games too. However, I don't attribute them to Halo, I attribute them to Bungie and the creative geniuses behind that studio.
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Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
You see duck, I share many awesome memories of the earlier games too. However, I don't attribute them to Halo, I attribute them to Bungie and the creative geniuses behind that studio.
Oh I can agree with that, but for me there are just things in Halo that I'm very much attached to. Sure, bungie was responsible for them, but some of them are still exclusive to Halo as far as I'm concerned.

But that's the great thing about Halo, everyone holds different parts of the game in higher esteem. There's so many different aspects of the series that people have grown attached to.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
Halo is constantly changing, atm it seems like for the worse. But im still gonna play it... I have trust in 343 to get their trilogy back on track and NO GAME can trump the satisfaction i get from halo 3, which is and always will be, the greatest game OF ALL TIME


Feb 22, 2013
If Destiny is a success (which it most likely will, I mean c'mon. It's Bungie...), it will most likely be my go-to game for the next decade. Whether or not the next Halo games are good, I'll probably purchase them just to have the full series. Part of the reason Halo 4 was so sloppy in many areas was due to the pressure it was under to be released. Hopefully 343 can get their shit together and learn to take some pressure before rushing a games release before it's even finished. Regardless, I will more than likely continue playing Halo, even after Destiny.


Feb 7, 2013
Food court
Halo is the reason why i bought an xbox and halo is the reason why some FPS's are here today. I will always be a halo fan, and to me, 343 just created one of the best games to me. So what if they made small stupid mistakes, its their first time! Remember halo 1? OP grenades, large fall damage, and a 3 shot pistol... it looks like bungie made a lot more mistakes for their first time than 343 did! I'm not even that pumped for destiny, i'm already buried DEEP into halo. Plus, what are you guys getting so hyped about? Nobody has seen, played, nor knows about the destiny multiplayer nor campaign.


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
Halo is the reason why i bought an xbox and halo is the reason why some FPS's are here today. I will always be a halo fan, and to me, 343 just created one of the best games to me. So what if they made small stupid mistakes, its their first time! Remember halo 1? OP grenades, large fall damage, and a 3 shot pistol... it looks like bungie made a lot more mistakes for their first time than 343 did!
Agreed and halo 1 still is the best multiplayergame :p i fell in love with halo 4 AND HELL AM I PUMPED FOR DESTINY :Dt
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Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
I'll definitely play both. Although if Destiny is as good as it looks I'll probably be spending more time on that because the idea of an FPS-MMO makes me drool.

reeper 898

Jan 9, 2013
there is no ? that destiny will be successful

I noticed they used their designs from halo in the guns and it goes down a similar story as halo.
plus bungie still has a lot of followers and if 343 dose not change there path with the maps it will be bigger.
if it is a hit it will very much replace halo b/c bungie is brave and will try new things, like forge world on halo reach.
343 has 3 forge maps that would not compare to the size of forge world.
the only way halo will not be replaced is if 343 grows some balls and take some risks.


Feb 7, 2013
Food court
the only way halo will not be replaced is if 343 grows some balls and take some risks.

343 added: perk system to halo, put weapons classes, made the br weaker than the dmr, killed cortana, created the first ever forerunner weaponry usable by us in halo history, decreased the range of the boltshot, created a game that was announced the best game of 2012, hired an MLG player as a worker, created a second campaign basically (spartan ops), created a giant robot that can t bag, and took over one of the best selling xbox series since 2001.

343 has PLENTY of balls, so much that you can see them on the title screen. Its the community that needs to grow some balls and not b*tch about everything they see.