Competitive Pandora By Galapag0


Dec 4, 2013
Pandora By Asthenichades4 or Galapag0 (version 1.0) - Forge Island- Infinity Slayer

I changed my name in between making it so I am not sure which name it will be under.
This is my first map so I need advice and tips.
It's really fun to play on and was made for relaxed Slayer games with friends.
Details - low gravity, floating rocks, base map was forge island.
Biggest fears- Ugly, ranged weapons too powerful, jet-packs being to overpowered with low grav

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Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
Map design sounds like a simple concept however once you start you suddenly realise there is a huge list of factors to consider which determine the success of any map. My advice to anyone learning how to design maps is to not be put off if your first few maps are not what you hoped them to be. My first 20 maps were absolute crap. Not saying the same will definitely happen to you but that it is probably the case with most forgers. The best way to understand map design is to look at the maps you enjoy and ask why. Then think about maps that are absolutely terrible and also ask why.
Keep making maps and when you can play them ask for honest feedback. Its no good having someone tell you a map is ok when they will never want to play it again. I have not played the map but judging from the screenshots the majority of the map is flat which could make sightlines feel less interesting. Height variation often makes a map far more interesting. Sightlines is a massive factor to consider when making a map. On this map it looks very open and snipers would make me cry. No seriously getting sniped makes me cry. Anyway I could go on forever about design and I would bore you. If you don't find this boring then ill write you a damn essay on design but I am not sure if that's what you would want.
To put it simply I would recommend watching THFE if you do not already. Psychoducks competitive map features are very useful since he has a good understanding of what makes a map work. It also depends what game modes you want to design the map for. In most cases a map designed to support pretty much all standard gametypes will not be very fun. If you are forging for slayer understand what makes slayer fun. Too much cover is frustrating. Too little is also annoying. Weapons and vehicles must be placed with consideration for how they will function on the map.
Learn from the great maps that already exist. Learn just as much from less successful maps. All in all forge and map design will require you to get your head around a lot of problems.
The exciting and rewarding side of design for me is when you make a map that people enjoy. Seeing people have fun on content you have created is a great feeling. I have spent up to ten hours working on a map and to get your first 10 minute game on it and hear good things is worth it.
I am going to shut up now but when I get on the topic of design it is very difficult for me to!
Hope to see more maps from you in the future.
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Dec 4, 2013
I have heard that the best way to get better at making maps is practice and I will make sure to do that.
Thank you for the honest feedback, I believe that despite not having actually played on it you got a decent sense of the map.
In Terms of different height levels that's something that is missing, but the floating rocks and low gravity sort of replace them. You can jump from height level to height level.
Also providing nice looking cover and different floor level heights for such a large area was very challenging for me. The rocks were all used up in the sky and everything I made seemed out of place, or didn't provide enough cover for a large enough area.
But sniping was definitely a huge problem when I first played this map with friends before I added the small cover here and there and I'm nearly 100% sure its still not enough.

Sgt x Slaphead

BK Forger Extraordinaire
Feb 18, 2013
My first map was built with a friend on Halo 3s Foundry. It was called Platforms and it was somewhat symmetrical but it had random out of place ramps leading up to overpowered sniping positions. We thought the map could be balanced if we placed EVERY weapon in the game on both teams sides.