Halo Paintball?


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
So, I never got to play the Paintball gametype in Halo:Reach, so I decided to remake it and start making paintball maps.
So far, I'm having some issues with the ordnance. I decided to give personal ordnance, and the ordnance that drops can only contain Speed Boost, Overshield, or Damage Boost. The Speed Boost works fine, but I'm having problems with the Overshield and Damage Boost. All shots are 1-hit kills, but I want the Overshield to allow players to take more than one hit, and I want the Damage Boost to be able to ignore the Overshield advantage. With player health set at 100% and weapon damage at 500%, the Damage Boost actually reduces the weapon damage and the Overshield is completely ineffective.
Can anyone help me out? I'm thinking I need to reduce both health and weapon damage, to make the Overshield and Damage Boost useful, but I could use some tips on that.
Also, if anyone has already created a Paintball gametype, I'd like to take a look at it. I'm still going to make my Ordnance-style Paintball, but I want to see if anyone has tweaked the options like I'd like to.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I've seen Prometheanball and it's not really what I was going for. There are 5 classes in mine, each with a different armor ability: Thruster Pack, Jet Pack, Promethean Vision, Hardlight Shield, and Hologram. Every ability has it's advantages, but no single ability is overpowered. Plus, the Suppressor is not the kind of weapon I imagine with Paintball. Now, if they brought back the Plasma Rifle, Brute Plasma Rifle, and Plasma Repeater, I would use those.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Thanks. I was thinking that if the Overshield and Damage Boost don't work well enough, that I'd make the Storm Rifle part of the Ordnance. Or just have it deploy on my Paintball maps.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Alright, I'm officially frustrated. No matter what I do, I can't make the Overshield work. I made the Damage Boost work after an hour of testing, but still nothing on the Overshield. Also, I've discovered that I am an imbecile when it comes to forging Ordnance Drops, because I can't seem to make it effing work.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
THFE featured it today, and I wasn't all that impressed, but that's because I'm going for something different.
The Gametype is going to be called Infinity Paintball. All 5 classes have Mobility and Dexterity mods. The 5 available armor abilities are Promethean Vision, Thruster Pack, Jet Pack, Hologram, and Hardlight Shield. Each one has it's advantages and disadvantages. The time limit is 15 minutes, the score to reach is 1000, and there are unlimited respawns (instead of eradication-style elimination). The Personal Ordnance is Speed Boost, Overshield, and Damage Boost. Working on incorporating Storm Rifles and making the Overshield work correctly.
Also, I have a question. I have my Damage Modifier at 110% and health set at 10%, so that the pistol is a 1-shot kill. But no matter what I do, the Overshield does absolutely nothing to allow the player to take more hits. I think this has something to do with Shields being set at 0%. Any ideas?


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I am happy to report that Infinity Paintball is finally out of testing.
I removed the Damage Boost because it couldn't work with the Overshield, and replaced it with the Storm Rifle. Damage Modifier is at 200%, health at 10%, and Shields are normal, which made the Overshield work pretty well. The Storm Rifle isn't necessarily OP, because it actually takes more shots with the Storm Rifle to deplete the Overshield than with just the Plasma Pistol.
8 Arenas for this gametype should be completed within the week. When I'm finished, I'll post in this thread and upload the maps and gametype to my File Share.
Also, Tactical and Pro modes are in the works, following the release of the maps.
I'd like to thank everyone for their help and suggestions, and to give special thanks to Random Apple1 for testing it with me.