Competitive Overflow

Defied Sh0ck

Jul 9, 2013
Overflow (version 1.2) - Asymmetric 4v4 Slayer Map.

Taking place in a flooded UNSC base, Overflow offers a new experience with halo 4 competitive matches beacause of it's unique asymmetric design and use of Forge Island's water. It works best with 4v4 slayer and 4-6 player FFA, no other gametypes are supported. Limit is 8v8 (not recommended) and 4 teams of 4 players.

Each team spawns near a warthog, and a sniper at the start of the...

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Defied Sh0ck

Jul 9, 2013
Defied Sh0ck updated Overflow with a new update entry:


Taking place in a flooded UNSC base, Overflow offers a new experience with halo 4 competitive matches beacause of it's unique asymmetric design and use of Forge Island's water. It works best with 4v4 slayer and 4-6 player FFA, no other gametypes are supported. Limit is 8v8 (not recommended) and 4 teams of 4 players.

Each team spawns near a warthog, and a sniper at the start of the...

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HC Veteran
May 2, 2013
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
This map looks rather flat making some of its areas too open. Even if this map has good aesthetics, I don't see gameplay on it being all that fun because of the lack of good flow. Seems like players will just be running around without any clear thought. Leads to some boring and sterile gameplay.
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HC Veteran
May 2, 2013
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
You seem a bit distraught. Why don't you give this a read.

In that article, you'll find this

"Your feedback is invalid because you did not play the map, you only looked at it/ walked around it in Forge."

This is one of the biggest cop-out arguments there is for forgers. It has been proven time and time again that even a decent forger can look at a map in forge for a while and gain an understanding of some of its flaws and weaknesses, especially if there are large ones. I would never argue that everything can be understood, and playing the map will always give one a better understanding than just looking at it, but a lot can be learned by analyzing a map in forge. Forgers who have been around a while recognize things that they have watched others do or that they remember doing themselves, things that may seem like a good idea at the time but rarely play well. An example of this would be building a giant bridge map connecting 2 distant land masses, or having a series of long tunnels in a map with no line of sight blockers or alternate routes. Forgers can often tell that a map has problems without playing on it because, in essence they HAVE played on maps with similar concepts many times. Some things will be different, but the largest flaws will still have the same effects. There are always those 0.1% of maps that somehow pull it off alright, but in almost ever situation it is easy to tell if a map has large issues before a game is even started. Playing the map is helpful for feedback, but definitely not always necessary.

I'm not saying I'm perfect at this. But I have definitely seen maps before that are similar to yours. I need not play your map to know that I'm right about flatness and openness. You can see both issues in the last two pictures.
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Defied Sh0ck

Jul 9, 2013
Since your an expert, do you have any suggestions to make it better? Or are you content with only negativity towards my work?


HC Veteran
May 2, 2013
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney
Since your an expert, do you have any suggestions to make it better? Or are you content with only negativity towards my work?

1. Never said I was an expert.

2. It's not my fault that your map has many issues. That's your fault.

3. I'm not content with just negativity. I actually mentioned that your map has good aesthetics. Or did you not see that because your eyes were filled with tears over seeing that someone had something bad to say about your map?

4. I actually have suggestions that could solve a lot of this map's problems. But I'm not going to help you. You can help yourself. Learn on your own. I'm not helping anyone who acts the way you do.

Good luck with your future maps. With your attitude, you'll need it.
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