Halo Ordnance vs map spawning


Jan 14, 2013
The ordnance idea looks really good on paper, and was implemented fairly well into the game. But it definately could have been done better. Now I am one who preferred to go out and grab my power weapons and power ups based on the fact that I knew where they were on the map. The ordnance system is good, but replacing the old system entirely really makes it out to be the bad guy. I would say first of all, take out the bloody spawn indicators. We are big boys, we don't need you holding our hands 343i. I prefer my screen not filled with a bunch of obnoxious weapon indicators at the beginning of the game. Secondly, add a few power ups to spawn on the map. A speed boost here and a damage boost there, and an overshields over there. Give the power ups and weapons a 5 minute spawn time, giving 3 of each item per game, mixed with ordnance should offer a balanced and reasonable number of power weapons and power ups. I would say about 4 power weapons would spawn in a slayer map, and 8 in a big team map. Half of the weapons would be minor power weapons like the needler and sticky detonator, and the other half would be major power weapons like the Saw, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, etc.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
If perfer the old weapon spawning. People got more determined to learn the maps and play them how they were meant to be played, not break them. I like that ordinance changes the game heaps but still... It breaks the maps


Jan 14, 2013
If perfer the old weapon spawning. People got more determined to learn the maps and play them how they were meant to be played, not break them. I like that ordinance changes the game heaps but still... It breaks the maps
I like to find an evenground between both systems. Just like how I would like to see 343i incorporate both armor abilities and equipment, despite the fact that I much prefer equipment.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
Disagree. The old system has not been replaced- you still have the option to place weapons normally while forging. Your screen isn't cluttered because it doesn't show all of the drops- just the ones nearby, and they fade out/become more transparent and less annoying as they get further away. Don't add ordnance if you don't want it on your maps. And my opinion on matchmaking, I prefer some of each.
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Feb 1, 2013
Disagree. The old system has not been replaced- you still have the option to place weapons normally while forging. Your screen isn't cluttered because it doesn't show all of the drops- just the ones nearby, and they fade out/become more transparent and less annoying as they get further away. Don't add ordnance if you don't want it on your maps. And my opinion on matchmaking, I prefer some of each.

damn freaking right. about time someone understood!!!!!!!!!!!!!