of the Origin of trolls

MC Stargate

Feb 1, 2013
Dallas, Texas
(A short sarcastic story from the depths of my mind)
The first troll was actually a pretty normal and decent guy. He had a house, he had a dog, he had a job, he even had a wife and kids. But one fateful day he doomed the world. he had just finished watching a youtube video, and he had several intelligent comments about it. But as he was typing his post his wife called him for super. Being the decent guy he was he stopped typing in mid sentence to eat with his family. While they were eating the dog saw a cat in the yard, and being the loyal and brave companion that he was he decided to chase the cat off the property. The dog chased the cat all over the yard, up a tree, down the tree, even under the tree! (You can decide what that even means) and then through the dog door into the house! As the cat was chased through the office it ran over the computer keyboard. (That will come up later) now seeing this chaos the man got up to get the animals out of his house. The chase that ensued was a disaster, involving torches and pitchforks, Oh wait no. Sorry wrong story! Anyway they eventually chased off the cat (much to the delight of the dog) and then they cleaned up the mess.
Several hours later, the man came back to the computer, and was shocked when he found that his was the top comment on the youtube video! with 42 thousand likes! What amazed him wasn't the extremely exaggerated and completely unbelievable number of likes. what really shocked and amazed him was that he didn't remember commenting yet! But there it was in the holy place reserved only for the best comments, his one word post. First. Then he remembered that he had typed that before going to diner, being part of a larger sentence to follow. but the rest of the sentence was never created. The cat must of hit post when it had jumped on the mouse. (Probably Intentionally you know how much cats love mice!)
The man decided the number of likes he got must have been a fluke. (Though he had been one of the very first people to comment on this particular video) He decided to do an experiment. He would try it again, just to see what would happen. This time he chose a relatively old video one that already had a decent amount of comments and discussion threads. He typed the word, hit post, and waited. a few hours later he had 4hundred2 thousand likes! and 42 replies! 3.14159 of which were prophets warning him that if he kept posting the word first on videos he would bring doom on the whole internet universe. The man didn't pay any attention to these warning, other than pondering how he could have .14159 of a reply. He didn't want to listen to them he felt popular. So he did it again, and again, and again.... Eventually he started noticing other people doing it. He felt that his popularity would be threatened by this, so he started coming up with new ways to troll, There was the "Angry navy seal who's going to kill you" post, the "angry parent who is going to flag you'r videos" post, the super annoying (and very offending to me) "Angry Christian/repent yelling lunatic" posts, the "repost this or something terrible will happen" post, the "repost this and something great will happen" post, and the "Kat was driving" joke posts. Just to name a few, eventually others took up these as well. A name began to be uttered for these people, some called them annoying, others called them stupid, well actually most people called them stupid... But everyone called them trolls. That is when they split off and became a new subspecies. and today they walk among us, stalking you tube and forums looking for people to harass, people to troll. What ever happened to the man you say? Well ( the acceptable answer) He grew old and tired of his trolls worshiping him so he quit the internet and died. (happy ending huh?) If you want the political joke answer see below


Le Mar du Teet
Dec 23, 2012
i think the first troll lived under a bridge and demanded money from people who wanted to cross it, but then he ate the people anyway.
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