Introduction Nondual is awesome. lol


Jan 11, 2014
Hello, I come here thru Nonduals recommendation. I played some awesome games of Halo 3 customs last night till 4am with him hosting and a few other cool people from here.

I am Bloodstaindx from Pennsylvania. Just turned 39 last month.
Games I am currently playing multiplayer on is : Borderlands 2, GTAV, Halo3, COD Bops1 and 2. I don't own Halo4. :-(
I love to watch TV and movies in my spare time.
The message boards I am a member of include: IGN, Altgn, and Forgehub.

I have been playing Halo3 customs since it came out. I first started playing with Joey (that's his gamertag) and he introduced me to Nondual.

So if you want to play Halo3 or Borderlands2 or GTAV, hit me up.