Introduction New to the Thread!

Li The Saint iL

Jan 16, 2013
Hello there, my name is Michael and my username is my gamer tag. you can catch me online most weekends and some week nights. I'm currently a Lev SR-104 on halo 4. i have been playing halo since halo! feels like forever now. more then ten years i think its been around now? crazy stuff. any way im really into Forging maps. ive got many that are an absolute blast to play and i hope to share them with some other players interested in custom games! matchmaking gets... boring...

I also play call of duty. And many other games as well but i'm mainly a halo guy.. mass effect is pretty great too though. I'm 22. I build and race cars and race at the tracks with spare time. I work for Budweiser as a delivery man and i live in Colorado. cant think of much els to say really. looking forward to playing some awesome custom games! hopefully with some full lobbies! alot of my maps are fun but when i only have 2 or three friends online some of our games can get pretty short or long. or boring due to lack of finding one another..


Dec 28, 2012
ahh a middle of the road CoD and Halo player. those seem to be becoming rarer and rarer, maybe your lack of hostility toward either side is because of some fancy stuff that's legal out there ;)

welcome, and expect many customs. what kind of maps do you make?

Li The Saint iL

Jan 16, 2013
Well i have been a fan of halo since the original halo. so i cant leave it! i only have CoD since i have so many friends that only play it... its alright. but halo is better! i make games like Zombie run, Assassination Madness, Ceiling wars (my own awesome version where you run/float along the ceilings and the only way to score is stickys and assassinations. its a blast!) and a few others that are hard to explain. i love making maps. so many of them started with me in forge just messing around turning out to make some pretty great maps!

my zombie run map is getting pretty popular. alot of people love that game along with a few others. i'm hosting today if anyone is interested! 5:30 Pm Central time.