Introduction New to the forum, not new to the game.


Jun 21, 2014
Hello, I am 344forever or as known on XBL, Arcwolf344! I am a long time Halo gamer stretching all the way back to a year or two after Halo: Combat Evolved's release. The pinned forum gave a sort of template suggestion so for the sake of time i'll fill it out!

-Name, location, age (we recommend you don't give out too much personal information on the Internet)
-What you like to play?
-What you do in the time you're not playing games?
-What is your favorite color?!?
-Whatever else comes to mind!

Name: 344forever/Arcwolf344 (No real name simply cause it's stupid to try and call a gamer by their name)

What you like to play?: Halo 3 and reach mostly although I do love the occasional Halo 4 and wars. As for other games I don't think this is the place to talk about it but whatever. I also play story driven games a lot such as Sleeping dogs, Jak, Perfect Dark, The Fable series and TES: IV OblIVion, besides that it's all Halo, all the time!

What you do in the time you're not playing games?: I run a production crew called Project Phoenix Productions, though I am not incredibly loving the base universe for our first production mostly for the fact it wasn't a Halo machinima as I planned it is still awesome. Other then that I am pretty boring, I draw, sing and voice act for a lot of projects so.. yeah.
What is your favorite color?!?: It sounds like someone is running out of questions, Lavender or Bungie blue.

Whatever else comes to mind?: Let's see.. small things that you should know not to be surprised and will help paint a picture of myself? I am a fandom type of person although if you happen to not care for my fandom I will not push it in your face such fandoms include (Pegasis, Whovians, Sherlockers, Rooster Tooths and that's it!) Another thing I will do is I am random because I get on xbox when I am tired so.. expect stupidness.

As for times I am on xbox, that is a random schedule, I get on when I feel like it so.. catching me will be a pain sometimes but i'll be there at some point!