Introduction New Here, Very Active Halo 4 Gamer

First off: I try to ALWAYS attend a custom games lobby from start to finish. All I need is a lobby that has actual active players. My XBL GT is: Blake7Cruz, so please message or friend me requesting to be my friend or for my to attend a lobby and I will do my best to attend it! I am a professional forger whose made about a dozen competitive maps all getting around 4/5 starts are a B-A rating. I am VERY NEW HERE. I can host up to 6 hours of custom games lobby PER DAY if players actually attend. Once I get ALL my maps made and all other maps ready here are the categories they will be in:

1) (My Own) Beta for Competitive Maps
2) Beta for Community Maps
3) Competitive Maps + Community Maps
4) Original Action Sack
5) Crazy Action Sack
6) Halo: Reach Maps
7) Halo 3 Remakes + Classics
8) Competitive Action Sack

PLEASE XBL message me ASAP so I can attend custom game lobbies as well as improve my own.

-XBL GT: Blake7Cruz