Introduction New Guy seeks custom games


Sep 4, 2014
Hey everyone,

My name is Justin, I live in NC and am 24 years old. My GT is SpotStatistic30 (that's the default one I was given, I really should change it, but I have little imagination). Favorite game ever is Halo 2, though most of my gaming time is spent on 3 and 4. When I'm not playing I'm probably doing something musical (for fun) or school-work (out of necessity). Favorite color: Red or Blue, whichever team I'm on.

I was big into Halo 2 way back in the day. Slayer was fun and all, but I had much more fun learning super-bounces, sword-climbing out of maps, rocket-lunging, and generally just messing around in custom games. Once Halo 3 came out though, instead of getting a 360 I bought a guitar, and started a new hobby. I'd still play for fun at friends' houses but never actually got caught up on the games until about 2 years ago when I finally got a 360.

One of the things I miss is - back on the original XBOX - basically everyone had a mic (save for 2-month free trial users), so it was easy to party up and actually hold a discussion with people in the game. Now that doesn't seem as common. Me and a buddy of mine have been playing a Halo 3 and 4 lately but don't really know of anyone else interested in custom games (nor are we up to speed on the newest games). Specifically Halo 3 for now, since he just moved and can't track down his Halo 4 copy :laugh:

So yeah, happy to be here and hope to meet some of you on the battlefield. Again the GT is SpotStatistic30.