Introduction My name is...


Apr 14, 2013
Hey folks, my GT is CrimsonVolver, volver is short for revolver, and the Spanish verb "to revolve," (Bloody Revolution). My nick name is either Crimson or Revolver.

I have been playing Halo since CE, and multiplayer since H2. I am a competitive gamer--I had over 5000 games played with Halo 3, but to be honest some of that is my son, who is 19 now.

Besides competitive I am also a Forger. I have been forging since H3, you know, back when glitching was the only way to phase objects. I made several maps in Reach, beginning with the Forgetacular contest, but at some point I got bored with Reach and switched to Battlefield 3 for a while (which I still play, esp for the team dynamics and competitive quality, and the explosions!)

With Halo 4 I came back, and as usual I am spending half my time (or more) forging maps. My approach to map making is unconventional, and I always strive to put together something that is aesthetically appealing, and I hope interesting to play. I believe in concept maps--i.e, maps that have a story behind them, but that is just me. I will post my maps to here as I complete them. I have two I am willing to submit later today: Vanguard and Sanctorium.

I am part of a custom gaming community Friday Night Customs. We are relatively new, but we already have a few video making players, as well as several map makers like my self. Our little group has grown quickly, and we have enough people online every day to do custom lobbies practically every day.

So, I look forward to checking in here and participating with the forums, etc.



Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
hey CrimsonVolver, awesome to see halo veterans on here ;) ill check out the two maps youll post today, whats your opinion on the halo 4 forge?
post a link to friday night customs here if you want, we encourage players from other communities to get together here ;)
welcome on board


Feb 1, 2013
My name is...
My name is...
My name is...

Yo dawg, welcome to halo customs.


Apr 14, 2013
Thanks guys. Yes, I have been with the Halo community a long time, but I am not really one who has been in the lime light. I am 40, have kids, and in the past when they were younger I was not really able to get deeply involved, however much I love the game. Also, due to environmental factors (wife/kids sleeping, etc) I was often not able to use my mic in the evenings when I could get on.Fuzzle: My opinion of the Halo 4 Forge. I am always underwhelmed by the next forge, because there are so many things they could do, but don't. I don't mean altering terrain, just options that Forgers have been asking for for a while. That said, given what they give us I am happy with Halo 4 Forge. Magnets are a great idea, and I hope they can make the needed changes to help them work better, and maybe even create a more dynamic system with magnets. My only real complaint is that they have not fixed the problem with the zoom and precision editing function. I know you can elevate the monitor to make some precision movements, but precision editing is also key for raising/lowering objects--esp those that don't line up with the magnet system, and since much of what we as forgers do is unconventional--or rather, not what the objects were intended to be used for, those tools would be nice--but I make due. I know a number of tricks from Halo 3 forging as I was in that first group of forgers that used the ghost merging (phased) trick to create maps--and I broke into several areas in the Reach maps using teleporters. I think one thing I like best about Halo 4 and the Forge [compared to Reach] is that the art and object color is much less bland-grey. You are able to create maps with less blandness in Halo 4, though having the ability to have some control over the object skins (or god forbid, import textures) would be nice.

Truthfully, if we had precision/zoom, an expanded object library and deeper customization options, esp with trait zones and object labelling for custom gametypes, manipulate the shape of certain objects, such as blocks, ramps and rocks, and control over object Textures (a texture library, a texture editing tool, and ability to import texture via Waypoint) I would be happy. I don't mind having limitations because I love exploiting map making programs and taking them as far as I can.

Before I was on Halo I was a Tanarus vet. My name back then was Sludgepuppy. Tanarus was a pc-based multiplayer tank game. very simple 3D, and the map making tool was only cubes and ramps that could have dimensions manipulated, and best of all--you could choose from standard textures, or edit and import textures from your computer. Tanarus was just a few gametypes: Standard was CTF, and there was a slayer type--no objectives, and then there was Force Wars and Phoenix Wars, with each game based on specific missiles (force missiles did not damage but pushed tanks--when you hit them by a ramp you could send them flying off platforms, which were built really high up, so you fell to your death, or phoenix missiles, two hits to kill). All maps had a territory/dominion aspect--where teams would expand their territory by taking over drone bases. They could recharge shields/weapons here, the drone would shoot enemy tanks, and enemy tanks would have shields progressively drained.

Tanarus was wicked fun, but alas, the servers died a little over 5 years ago. I miss Tanarus. You could call someone out to a place in the map to challenge to a duel, and all other teams would honor this and let the two finish the duel. Also, Tanarus was a serious team-based cooperative game. I miss that game!

Well, that would be it for now. I will prepare two of my current H4 maps for submission to these forums for your viewing pleasure and critique.

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