Introduction My name is Codon, but you may call me.. maybe.

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
"Welcome Transhuman Plus! Once you've read our rules, please head to the Introduce Yourself board to let us know who you are! When you've posted once, this message will go away."
Hi. I feel like the first thing I should say is that I hate Lights. He watches Elementary, which I think should be considered a form of self-harm. He's hurting his brain. He's hurting America. He's hurting society. I hope he doesn't have a Nielsen rating box. If he had a Nielsen rating box, and I was his kid, I'd run away from home (o.k, it's not The Big Bang Theory, Revolution, The Mentalist, CSI Miami, Two and a Half Men, NCIS, 24, Lie to Me, Arrow, Family Guy, The Cape bad. But it's still pretty bad).​
I've been a member at ForgeHub under my consistently sexy pseudonym Transhuman Plus and staffed there for around 3 weeks (after the site got really shitty though, so it doesn't count). There I wrote articles that were beloved by the community probably. I also made an under-appreciated gametype called "Don't Emp Me Bro" which was quickly forgotten due to my lack of self-promotion (read: d@#$ sucking).​
That's right, I eat at Subway. Just like you.
Here is a list of shows I recommend. Bolded shows are extremely recommended. Linking you to somewhere you can illegally download software is against the site rules. Dropbox is a program that allows you to synchronise files with other computers. Here's a link to download dropbox I also have dropbox. Hint.​
A Touch of Cloth, Adventure Time, Archer, Arrested Development, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Batman Beyond, Black Books, Castle, Community, Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Dollhouse, Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, Fringe, Frisky Dingo, Ghost in the Shell, Gravity Falls, House, Human Target, John Safrans Race Relations, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Life, Lost, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, Party Down, Regular Show, Sherlock, South Park, Stella, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Terriers, The Boondocks, The Colbert Report, The Killing (US), The Mighty Boosh, The Newsroom, The Office (US), The Spectacular Spider-Man, The Venture Bros., The Walking Dead, The Xtacles, Tron Uprising, Veronica Mars, Wolverine and the X-Men, Wonder Showzen, X-Men Evolution, Young Justice.

This is not a list of all the shows I watch, it is the cream of the crop. Castle, Fringe, and The Office get progressively worse as those series go on. Prison Break and Heroes are excluded because they only have one good season. I don't know why I included "Parks and Recreation", that show is bad. Regular Show is "eh".