Introduction My Introduction


Mar 28, 2013
Hotsville, Mars
Hey everyone I'm new to these forums and wandered here looking for custom hosts. For me it's difficult to find hosts on Waypoint so I came here in hopes of meeting some.
I'm by no means a good forger and I don't believe I'll find spare time to learn with all my time in school but I do have time to try others creations.
When it comes to actual playing I would say I'm average from what I know, usually 1st in slayer gametypes or at least in the top 3, never have more deaths than kills either. I prefer playing with organized teams but don't use my mic as much as I should, mostly because I am 14 and most people would think I'm too immature to talk strategy or anything, but if anyone wants to add me for customs I'll gladly use my mic.

Thanks to everyone that reads this, hope I can get into good custom lobbies soon.
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