Introduction My Introduction


Jan 14, 2013
Hello. First of all, I am terrible at personal introductions so forgive me if this one sounds like a four-year-old. Like many of you, I find it difficult to assemble or enjoy custom game lobbies. Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, I find it very difficult to assemble enough players to play anything. And usually the end result is either shrieking primary school banshees calling for blood and conquest (or fat-kid variants) or 30 minutes of all alone time. So when I heard about this website I immediately went about creating an account. Now, forum pages take me a while to familiarize myself with so forgive me if I seem a bit in the dark.

- Video Games (duh)
- Creative Writing
- Youtube, Lots of Youtube

- Diet Irn Bru
- Not much else

Video Games I Like:
- Halo (duh again)
- Mass Effect
- Skyrim
- Call Of Duty (Treyarch side)
- Slightly obscure titles (Silent Hill, Batman, Saints Row, Goldeneye Reloaded, Farcry)

Movies and TV Shows I like (because we all like TV):
- Doctor Who
- Still Game
- Faulty Towers
- Mrs Brown's Boys
- The Dark Night Trilogy
- Indiana Jones
- Star Wars
- Naked Gun

That's enough of the lists. Time to get round to Halo and some other topical junk. Firstly, to establish, I am Scottish. Although the place is a bit of a dump. We don't all live in solitary country cottages, eat haggis, play bagpipes or wear kilts. We, in fact live normally. Despite what you might see, the Scottish are rather friendly people. You just need to peel the onion if you know what I mean.

Anyway, enough about Scotland. I don't play Halo 4 as much as I would want to. After I hit the UK rank cap I quickly became bored and went off to play something else. But we have the cap raised next monday as well as Spartan Ops EP6 so I will be playing that a bit more frequently. I forge quite a lot on Halo 4. But without that file browser it has been difficult to get any feedback at all. I would play the campaign but I have done just about everything I can on it.

I really look forward to any lobbies I manage myself onto via this website and to chatting with some of you. I'll see you (hopefully) soon!
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
You did a really good introduction. You must be new here ;)

Serious though, nice to meet you! It's always nice to see a real intro, rather than a "Hi. I play Halo. GT: xXxHaloSn1p3rxXx" :D


Jan 14, 2013
I actually know all of you who have posted so far, more or less. I have the same username on Forgehub. Thanks Teddy.
P.S. I am glad that I provided you with a little entertainment, Mock. :D
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