Introduction My intro

Apr 8, 2013
I mean an introduction to me is kind of wierd but whatevs right

I am kind of the laid back gamer I will let most stuff slide well except on call of duty where glitches are home and noobs can camp
But I am 18yo (don't stalk) but I live in Louisville, KY my gamertag is my username and my username is my gamertag
I love to play halo and call of duty (zombies)
most of the time when i'm not playing on my 360 or PS3 or Wii I will usually try to write a new story (most are pretty sad (or graphic) because I often have spurts of depression but you wouldn't know unless I told you but don't worry about it). My favorite games on my PS3 are dead space, crysis, and test drive unlimited 2. I love minecraft (PC) So I guess you could call me a multi gamer because I play on everything but specific things on them all.I joined the gamer's club at my high school (about to have our second lan party whoop whoop). But anyway my favorite color is......GREEN! Also another thing mI love to do is build custom bionicles currently I have 18 (custom bionicles). Oh I also love Poke'mon (I know its not spelled like that at least I don't think it is oh well). but it is just so nostalgic because I used to play as a kid like 15 years ago and now I picked it back up.But I think that sums me up in the short way, oh and some of my friends think I am hilarious and fun to be around.
But I hope everyone has a good day.
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Kill-Steal Guru
Dec 30, 2012
Welcome to HaloCustoms Heavy Predator! Congrats to Louisville on winning the NCAA basketball championship (in case you watch that stuff)! Sounds like you have a lot in common with a lot of us! Something I found the other day (since your a pokemon fan) is a Pokemon MMO, you should check it out! Anyways, we're glad to have you here and I hope you can find some awesome custom lobbies to join here. I hope you make lots of new friends :y:
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Apr 8, 2013
Wow everyone is oh so very nice last time this happened I almost got thrown in an oven. But anyway thank you guys I hope we can all be really good friends! I am not usually this enthusiastic its kinda freaking me out!