Gaming Misleading topic title.


Oct 5, 2013
So I recently started work on a number of videos, two of which were taken down - awh. But the concept for one slipped through the net, video editing is something I am not very familiar with, and I lack the software to do anything pretty; think windows movie maker (no lense flfare 4 m3). Which is exactly why I want your help. The below is a video I've started 2 minutes of a 4:10 song.

  • First of all what do you think of it, really pin point every tiny little thing that doesn't attract your gaze, or you think is less than impressive.
  • Second, what does? What parts did you think were "alright" and "acceptable".
  • Thirdly how would you improve it - have it fit in with the beat better, perhaps even an entirely new song, go into first person when the singing starts? Absolutely anything hit me.
I'd like to note, that I cannot go back and watch old gameplay all of this is "live and unscripted" from the spectator screen so sadly obtaining interesting first person footage will not be as easy as you'd like.

Thank you.

N.B I'm not trying to promote my channel, clearly I have like 5 views, lol - just want to improve!
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