Introduction Mingo mango


Jun 17, 2014
Hiya, it's mingo dingo, former Associate Connoisseur of Shenanigans and TG Tryhard. You might know me as a cocreator of the original Legend of Aihab: No Theme Campaign, Le Muskets, or the fabulous metabulous multiculturalbananaoctotrainwreckipus. Or you might not-- I never really was that memorable, after all. I think that at one point I ran a lame blog or a silly sig shop. Some of the Forgehub kids might remember me. I kinda heard there was a mass migration after the Darker Days.

I'm not really sure why I'm here. Shoe and PSYCHODICK, if you're reading this, I think I've made my point. We'll settle this on S the old fashioned way

I have no idea what I was expecting.
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