Gaming Microsoft Store is Being Generous.


Jan 9, 2013
The Desert
Right now on the Microsoft Store, I believe for a limited time, when pre-ordering select titles, you get 1600 free (Not really free because you have to buy a game as well but yes free because it's $59.99, not $79.99 lol) Microsoft Points. Just thought I would let everyone know. Here is the link to those select games up for pre-order + bonus gift.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
I might pre-order Tomb Raider, the game looks super cool, and I am wondering whether the multiplayer will be crap (it looks like crap, but the single player still looks awesome!)

I didn't really like Lost Planet 2 :/

I didn't either, I played the demo and I had some pretty harsh words for it after that.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
i pirate the games i dont like and buy the games i do :D so not worth it
Dude, what the hell? Not only are you ripping off people (you may as well just go and steal a copy off the shelf), but you said that you only pirate games that you don't like right? Well that doesn't make any sense because that means that despite all of the game's issues, it's still worth playing,



Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
Dude, what the hell? Not only are you ripping off people (you may as well just go and steal a copy off the shelf), but you said that you only pirate games that you don't like right? Well that doesn't make any sense because that means that despite all of the game's issues, it's still worth playing,

i pirated cod, explained enough?
if i play a game i buy it, if a friend wants to come over and he wants to try out a game i download it, if i like it i buy it, its that easy
that way the developers get their share of my money if they deserve it, if i dont like the game i wont play it anyway and the developers dont get my money for nothing
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Reactions: FRYMEN


Jan 22, 2013
Colorado, USA
I'm with fuzzle on this one. I'm an adult and I have to earn every penny I spend. Once the bills are paid I don't have too much spending money left over, and I have other things besides video games that I like to do with that money; Snowboarding, sports tickets, live music, etc. I don't game on PC anymore because I can't afford to keep up with the equipment, but I don't have a problem with someone downloading the game to try it. So long as they actually buy it if it's something they want to keep playing. If they DON'T, then it's stealing, plain and simple. If they DO, I don't see much of a difference between this and getting an XBOX game from RedBox for a few nights.
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Reactions: Wakko45 and Fuzzle

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
I'm with fuzzle on this one.
So long as they actually buy it if it's something they want to keep playing. If they DON'T, then it's stealing, plain and simple. If they DO, I don't see much of a difference between this and getting an XBOX game from RedBox for a few nights.

But that's not what he said, he said that he pirates games to play them.

Fuzzle said:
i pirated cod, explained enough?
if i play a game i buy it, if a friend wants to come over and he wants to try out a game i download it, if i like it i buy it, its that easy
that way the developers get their share of my money if they deserve it, if i dont like the game i wont play it anyway and the developers dont get my money for nothing

CoD has a much better story than halo and has an incredibly addictive zombie mode, but halo's competitive multiplayer beats it by a mile. But still, look this is ridiculous. The developers still legally deserve their money whether the game is terrible or not. And I quote myself, "because that means that despite all of the game's issues, it's still worth playing."
Not to mention that when you see a flimsy laptop you don't steal it, that's just ridiculous, you wouldn't buy it in the first place. Also, watch the video above.


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
But that's not what he said, he said that he pirates games to play them.

CoD has a much better story than halo and has an incredibly addictive zombie mode, but halo's competitive multiplayer beats it by a mile. But still, look this is ridiculous. The developers still legally deserve their money whether the game is terrible or not. And I quote myself, "because that means that despite all of the game's issues, it's still worth playing."
Not to mention that when you see a flimsy laptop you don't steal it, that's just ridiculous, you wouldn't buy it in the first place. Also, watch the video above.
You are missing the point, i still buy the games i actually play, i pirate them to try them out. cod lasted one day before i threw it away, i dont want to play this “game“ so im not buying it, any further issues?