[May 25, 2014] Zanny's Tippy-Top Testing Lobby (Zandril S312)

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HC Veteran
May 2, 2013
42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

What's going to happen in this lobby? Simple. We'll be testing maps.

You: What kind of maps, Zandril?
Me: All kinds of maps.

You: Can I bring my mini game?
Me: What did I just say?

Squeaker: Can we play Fat Kid?
Me: No.

At the start of the lobby, it'll be capped at 8. This will give small maps a chance to get tested. If you want to test your small map, come early. Once all the small maps are done, I'll boost the lobby cap to 14 to allow bigger maps a chance to get tested. At that point I'll be inviting people who couldn't get in on the lobby at the beginning.

What happens when we're all out of maps to test? The lobby will turn into a mixbag. Maybe we'll play a mini game, or a mod, or a Flood map. Who knows?

Playlist (Maps will be played in any order)

At 8 player cap
-Serenity [4v4] [SLAYER]
-Evo [4v4] [SLAYER]
-Ender [4v4] [SLAYER]
-Productivity [4v4] [SLAYER]*

(Any other maps meant for 8 players that attendees want to test will be played here)

At 12 player cap
-Invasion [MOD]
-Graveyard [FLOOD]
-SAW: The Return [MINIGAME]
-Beacon Rush [MINIGAME]
-Hall Wars [MINIGAME]

(Any other maps meant for 12 players that attendees want to test will be played here)

Maps to be played when all testing is done
-Shooting Stars [MINIGAME]
-End of The Line [FLOOD] [LAST STAND]
-Port Koll [FLOOD]
-->Insert race map here<--
-Danger Canyon [MINIGAME]
-Bud's Jenga Tower [MINIGAME]
-Home on a Bayou [FLOOD]
-->Insert race map here<--
-Conductor [FLOOD]
-Plinko Extreme [MINIGAME]
-Safehouse [FLOOD] [LAST STAND]
-Outlet [FLOOD]
-Smashy Chase [MINIGAME]
-No Man's Land [FLOOD]
-The Recluse [FLOOD]
-Begotten [FLOOD]
-Undead Cinema [FLOOD]
-And many more!

*Maps that will only be played if the creator attends so that he may provide the latest versions.


How to join

Step 1: RSVP for the lobby.

Step 2: Send me a message saying "T Cubed" or "I love Zan" 15 minutes before the lobby starts.



- If you're interested, message me 15 minutes before the lobby starts for an invite. If you don't get in at the start, you'll have to wait for a spot to open up.

- Avoid using a Kinect mic. It will probably get you muted.

- If the lobby lags out, send me a message asking for another invite and I'll try to get you in.

- Make sure the map you want to test is working properly and can fit the player count of the lobby.

- If you ding-dong-ditch (leave right after testing your map), I will destroy you.

- Bring a mic to make the process of testing your map easier. If you don't have a mic, send me a message with the map name and, if necessary, its gametype. Just make sure the map is in your File Share and I'll load it up for you.



Rule 1: Be nice.

Rule 2: Once you receive leadership, put your map on. Afterwards, you must pass leadership back to me.

Rule 3: Don't spam me with messages. If you don't get invited right away then the lobby is full or I'm mid-game.

Rule 4: Be in game chat. Let's face it. It'll be more fun if we can all hear and talk to each other. If the lobby is full and people are trying to get in, I will be booting those in party chat.

Rule 5: Don't invite your friends unless I ask you to. We will first be catering to those who RSVP'd for the lobby. Same rule applies for guests.

Rule 6: Avoid going AFK (Away from keyboard or, in this case, controller). I will be booting people who've been AFK for too long.

Rule 7: Have Forge Island. If you don't have it, you can download it from the Halo 4 main menu or by clicking this link.

Rule 8: If you're a squeaker, please wear a Batman or Morgan Freeman voice changer.


I hope you have fun at my lobby. If you haven't already,

-Subscribe to my YouTube channel for map features and other forge-related videos.
-Follow me on Twitter to be updated with my lobbies and videos.


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Feb 24, 2013
@Zandril, I never told you what I wanted to test: I completely forgot to do so. The latest* version of Productivity is on my fileshare(http://tinyurl.com/ocdyzp5) and would like to test it with a modified neutral-flag variant. I just hope that no one rage quits during the testing; I've never tested it with more than a 4-FFA or 2v2, both only being slayer. I hope I can get testing! I shall thank you when done for.


Feb 24, 2013
I'd be glad to test it. Just make sure you attend. If you don't, I can still test your map but it'll be at the very end. It may not even be played then.

:hug:I love you :heart:!

...but I must miss. I'm at my dad's house this weekend, so I'll only be able to mod blindly while I wait to be forced to apply to a bajillion jobs for the summer. I hope that next weekend I can participate seeing that I'll be back at my mother's. The only maps that are ready to test so far are tl_Struck(http://tinyurl.com/nwy5an4) and tl_Slums(http://tinyurl.com/o7jlopa) for Intel Scenario(http://tinyurl.com/nkgs227). I hope that, if tested, this map is successful in bringing strategy. Thanks!
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