Mario Happy Meal Toys [UK + IRE]

Jan 16, 2013
I know many of you out there have been patiently waiting for either Titanfall of Infamous Second Son this month, but not me! :p

Oh no, I've been waiting for the launch of the new toy collection from McDonalds Happy Meals.

Now before you jest and accuse me of being 5 etc. hear me out on this one...

Btw if video game related tat isn't your thing, you might want to leave this thread now;

The happy meal "toys" I speak of are all Super Mario themed and mainly consist of fairly high quality models and I have made it my goal to collect all 8, I'm on a quest.

Maccy D's introduce a new cycle of 2 toys every week, so my collection will slowly grow over the course of a month.

Here are the ones I have thus far;


I'll post further information on each of them in the set when I have collected some more.

If you'd like to own some of these yourself and live in either the UK of Ireland you can pick them up inside a delicious happy meal or can be purchased separately for £0.99 (the sensible option).

It's also worth noting that the official mario figurines and collectables retail at £14.99 each so if you'd like an inexpensive set to sit on your bookcase or on a bookshelf alongside your games collection, these wouldn't look out of place.

Don't forget to leave any comments on these in this here thread and feel free to ask me any questions towards them.

Addy out.
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